Slaying the Forgotten Dragonlord: An Expert‘s Guide to Placidusax‘s Weaknesses

As an avid Elden Ring fan who has logged over 300 hours dissecting the game‘s secrets, Placidusax stands out as one of the most formidable yet fascinating bosses. This hulking, two-headed dragon tucked away in Farum Azula can easily crush anyone unprepared for its wide array of hard-hitting attacks. But after countless attempts, I uncovered some major chinks in Placidusax‘s armor—namely a crippling weakness to fire and insane headshot damage that can cut the fight in half.

In this guide, I’ll share insider knowledge about Placiuxax‘s moveset along with actionable tips to target its vulnerabilities. Veterans and newcomers alike will discover powerful strategies to dethrone this dragonlord. Time to go dragon slaying, tarnished!

An Ancient Dragon‘s Bane: Exploiting the Fire Weakness

As an ancient dragon with ties to the Erdtree, it’s no surprise Placidusax takes extra damage from fire. But precisely how much? According to user testing, fire infusion adds a 30% damage buff compared to non-elemental weapons of the same level. So flames literally melt Placidusax‘s health bar faster!

This means pyromancies and incantations can destroy this boss. Personally, I used the Fire Scorpion Charm, Flame Grant Me Strength buff, and Rain of Fire to punish Placidusax after combos. The results were insane—I melted off 25% of its HP with one spell during phase 2! Other fiery options like Catch Flame and Fireball are great too. Just make sure to have at least 30 Faith to access the best incantations.

SpellFP CostEst. Damage on Placidusax
Catch Flame6300 per cast
Flame of the Fell God251200+
Rain of Fire12450 dps
Frenzied Burst262500+

As for weapons, anything that deals fire damage will wreck Placidusax. Flaming Strike is a fantastic ash of war that wreaths your weapon in flames and adds substantial poise damage to break its stance faster. The Blasphemous Blade is particularly nasty since its skill showers radial fire bursts around you. I used this after dodging Placidusax’s combos and melted 5% of its HP per use.

So in short: if you can set Placidusax on fire, its health will evaporate. Abuse this weakness without mercy!

Shot Through the Heart: Slaying Placidusax via Headshots

While fire brings the heat, easily the most busted damage opportunity against Placidusax is aiming for critical hits on its twin heads. See, both heads take double damage from all attacks. I’m talking a 100% damage multiplier for every headshot landed!

This rightfully exposes Placidusax’s critical weak point. Any weapon with range and precision can capitalize on this vulnerability. I used the Serpent Hunter spear’s weapon skill which unleashes a devastating overhead smash with insane poise damage. The beauty is you can first shred its posture bar with a heavy weapon like Ruins Greatsword to create openings for the Serpent Hunter finisher.

Other top weapons ideal for sniping those noggins:

  • Greatbow with Rain of Arrows for a peppering of headshots
  • Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear and weapon skill
  • Loretta’s Greatbow spell for pure sorcery builds
  • Treespear with its ranged charge attack

Just beware Placidusax’s nasty bite combos and charging headbutts when positioning near its face. Ideally have a spirit summon tank and draw aggro first before moving in.

A cunning tarnished can feasibly defeat Placidusax using headshots alone! Combined with its fire weakness, this dragonlord will suffer a quick and fiery defeat.

Supporting Tactics: Spirits, Status Effects, and Tanking

Along with exploiting Placidusax‘s major flaws, certain supplementary tactics make this fight much more manageable:

Spirit Summons – Let your mimic or Black Knife Tiche pull aggro so you safely peck away at its health. I save my +10 mimic exclusively for tricky dragon fights!

Scarlet Rot – Rot breath attacks like Ekzykes‘s Decay can inflict recurring percentage damage, useful for both phases. Just be conservative with FP.

Frostbite – Frost buildup leading to crit hits works surprisingly well! Use chilling weapons like the Ice Spear ash of war to stack frost faster.

Holy Damage – As an ancient dragon, holy damage seems moderately effective, but less so than fire. Pest Threads can slowly drain its health.

Tanking – The last resort! Stack holy damage negation & physical damage reduction along with Morgott‘s Rune and damage talismans to survive attacks if you mistime dodges.

So in summary – roasting Placidusax with flames, sniping its extra-vulnerable noggins, and using supplementary attacks/tricks to safely chip down its health is the recipe for success. Now let‘s break down how these all come together against its moveset…

Dodge This! Analysis of Placidusax‘s Attacks & Recommended Counters

Beating any tough boss requires learning its attacks to formulate custom counterstrategies. So without further ado, I present a complete breakdown of Placidusax‘s abilities and tailored ways to punish each one. Take notes!

Phase 1

Thunderbolt – Placidusax rears up and unleashes a sweeping lightning arc. Roll towards its wing when this begins casting to avoid damage completely. Then punish with melee attacks before it flies away.

Jumping Lightning Slam – It leaps into the air before crashing down with an AoE lightning explosion. This move has a long recovery time, so sprint behind to backstab, then unload your most powerful attacks/skills!

Takeoff Fire Breath – Placudisax takes flight and blankets the arena in fire. Outpace the flames by sprinting laterally. Manage stamina wisely and watch the ground for safe spaces to quickly rest regeneration.

Tail Swipe – A quick 180 tail whip that catches overly aggressive melee attackers. Keep mid distance to goad this attack, the roll backwards through the tail and counter with ranged attacks.

Phase 2 (Under 50% HP)

Lightning Ruin – Four tracking laser beams sweep vertically and horizontally across the arena. This move destroys anyone caught mid/long range. Roll towards Placidusax between laser bursts to get inside its range for temporary safety.

Lift Off Dive Bomb – It takes flight high before plunging down for a 1-hit KO explosion. This is tricky to avoid since it tracks your position! Again, get right under Placidusax as the dive begins. Then immediately sprint away to barely escape the blast radius. Punish window afterwards is huge.

Double Lightning Strikes – It slams its front claws down summoning vertical lightning beams. Stay mid range baiting this attack but be ready to sprint perpendicular when you see this begin casting. Chaining double dodges left and right avoids damage completely.

Trust me, the headaches trying to adapt and overcome these moves was monumental during my first 30 attempts. But such hardship forges skill and strategy! Once you master punishing openings for its onslaught of Phase 2 attacks while constantly aggressing, felling this dragonlord becomes a realistic goal.

Now steel your nerves for the ultimate showdown, tarnished!

Conquering the Forgotten Dragonlord

We‘ve uncovered Placidusax‘s glaring weaknesses against fire and headshots. You now understand how to expertly punish every attack across both phases while using support skills and spirits. At last the time has come to dethrone this dragonlord!

But first, proper prep and positioning is key for early success:

  • Equip your most damaging fire and physical weapons
  • Buff with flame/fire scorpion charms if possible
  • Summon spirits to draw initial threat
  • Trigger phase change near middle for escape room

Once the music crescendos and Placidusax first takes flight, the fires of battle erupt. Aggressively exploit openings from its phase 1 leaping smash and tail swipe, targeting one head at a time. Gradually memorize attack patterns as your spirit summon tanks hits, waiting for brief windows to strike.

Upon entering phase 2 below 50% health, halt the aggression and strictly counter-attack only after its combo finishes. Bait its tracking dive bomb and double lightning strike whenever possible, punishing with a full weapon skill combo. In these clutch moments, pound away at its heads relentlessly!

If your health gets dangerously low, or your spirit falls, retreat back while using ranged attacks and spells to finish off Placidusax safely. With impeccable positioning and proficient timing on dodges, its demise swiftly follows.

At last the dragonlord known as Placidusax perishes in a smoldering heap. Silence finally graces Farum Azula as its forgotten ruler is laid to rest. We stand triumphant having conquered an optional boss mightier than story‘s end. This monumental victory merits rest at the nearby Site of Grace, but for now bask in glory! Our quest here has ended in fiery success.

Hopefully this guide brings other tarnished similar success against Placidusax with knowledge of its weakness and counter play. May the lessons you learn carry over to besting Elden Ring’s future DLC bosses! Never stop your quest for glory, dear reader. Togetthhhaaaaa!

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