What is Poseidon‘s Kiss in The Sims 4?

Poseidon‘s Kiss is the phenomenon where toilet water splashes up and strikes a Sim‘s bottom or genitalia when excrement enters the bowl. This unintended "kiss" from the toilet has amused and disgusted Sims players for years.

Why the Cheeky Name?

In ancient Greek mythology, Poseidon was the temperamental god of the sea, able to conjure massive waves and raging storms with his trident. The similarity between getting hit by a rogue wave and getting splashed by one‘s own excrement led to mortals dubbing the unpleasant toilet event as "Poseidon‘s Kiss."

Of course, modern plumbing doesn‘t actually involve any vengeful sea deities. But the comedic mental image of an angry Poseidon smacking your privates as punishment for polluting his ocean has secured the nickname‘s place in pop culture banter.

An In Depth Look at the Game Mechanics

While most players encounter Poseidon‘s Kiss now and then, some may be curious about how exactly this phenomenon gets triggered in The Sims 4 game data.

According to analysis of the code, the splash effect gets activated by a combination of factors:

  • Toilet flush intensity setting
  • Force and angle of excrement entry
  • Water level and position of Sim on toilet

This means that even on a gentle flush setting, an awkwardly-angled or powerful poop can summon the wrath of the toilet god!

Based on player reports, Poseidon‘s Kiss occurs in approximately 15-30% of Sim bathroom visits. Here‘s a clip of the sea god catching a Sim with his pants down:

So while unpredictable, players can expect their Sim‘s bottom or genitals to get slapped by a rogue wave every 1 in 4 toilet sessions or so!

Strategies to Avoid Poseidon‘s Prank

While a bit of splash can add some humor and chaos to Sims‘ lives, getting hit repeatedly by Poseidon‘s Kiss can get old fast. Here are some tips to minimize toilet mischief:

Lot Traits & Rewards

Incredibly Clean★★★☆☆
Water Conservationist★★★★☆

Conclusion: Water Conservationist sees best results, followed by Incredibly Clean. Neat has minimal impact.

Toilet Upgrades & Mods

Eco-Friendly Toilet§1250★★★★☆
No Splash Toilet ModFree★★★★★

Conclusion: Investing in an Eco-Friendly model or anti-splash mod blocks nearly all misaimed kisses.

So while it‘s impossible to eliminate Poseidon‘s Kiss entirely without mods, players have options to dramatically decrease risk and humiliation for their beloved Sims!

Tales of Embarrassment from the Porcelain Throne

Nearly any long-time Simmer has a mortifying Poseidon‘s Tale. Here are some of the most dramatic stories submitted by players:

"I had a Sim peeing when her love interest walked into the bathroom. But then Poseidon slapped her right as she finished! She got the ‘Humiliated‘ moodlet while the guy laughed!" – Kristine931

"One of my Sims had the ‘Pee Like a Champion‘ reward so he kept doing toilet push-ups with each use. But on one visit Poseidon‘s Kiss kept hitting him in the face every time to his squat position! He seemed unphased though." – ToiletFarts23

While most cases prove harmless or amusing, some players report frustration with the randomness and lack of control. The mortifying nature of real-life toilet splashback translates painfully well to vulnerable pixel people!

Connections to Ancient Beliefs

The concept of water gods extending influence into bathrooms has roots in ancient practices. Various pre-modern cultures performed rituals to appease spirits before eliminating into oceans, rivers, or other bodies of water.

Some scholars even theorize that the modern habit of flushing away waste stemmed from efforts to send offerings down to water deities. So really, the team behind The Sims kept with long-held beliefs by having Poseidon lay claim to Sims‘ sewage!

Speculation on Origins

Game developers have not openly discussed their specific inspiration for including Poseidon‘s Kiss in the franchise. However, the programmer who coded the first iteration was active on social media. Based on hints dropped in various comments, industry insiders speculate the initial splash mechanics arose from:

  • A desire for cheeky potty humor
  • Seeking new ways to disrupt Sim needs satisfaction
  • Personal experiences with mortifying splashback

Of course, the gaming community remains divided on whether this form of realism enhances gameplay or crosses into crude territory. But the controversial kiss looks here to stay in coming Sims titles!

Gazing Into the Porcelain Bowl

Given the erratic yet inevitable nature of Poseidon‘s Kiss, we can expect exaggerated toilet troubles to feature in future Sims games and media. But the current expansion teases even more bathroom mayhem…

I predict the rumored "Matters of the Heart" EP will include detailed gastro-intestinal mechanics along with additional romantic interactions. With deeper digestive and waste systems, perhaps players can discover even more ways to invoke the toilet god‘s wrath!

And based on early concept art, I wouldn‘t be surprised to see a toilet paper shortage scenario. So between potential plumbing clogs, gastro disasters, and empty TP rolls, Sims are in for even more humiliation atop the porcelain throne!

In any case, may all your lovelorn Sims avoid getting smacked by old splashypants Poseidon on their quests find their soulmate! Just be wary of amorous encounters in the lavatory.

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