What is R3 Controller? A Gamer‘s Complete Guide

As a hardcore gamer who eats, sleeps, and breathes the latest titles across platforms, I get asked by fellow enthusiasts all the time: "What is R3 controller?" It‘s an important thing to understand if you want to master your gameplay, so let me break it down for you!

The R3 button refers to pressing down on the right analog stick on your controller. It serves as an extra input that game developers can utilize beyond the standard face buttons and triggers.

Trust me when I say fully utilizing all your controller buttons, including R3 and L3, can give you a killer edge in competitive multiplayer!

A Closer Look at the R3 Controller Button

Let‘s zoom in on the right analog stick on a standard PS4 wireless controller layout:

See that little button icon above the stick that says R3/RS? That‘s referring to the R3 click-in button being built right into the stick itself!

So to activate R3 and feel like a legit MLG pro, all you need to do is press directly down on the top of the right stick. You‘ll feel that satisfying click letting you know the input registered.

Most modern controllers have this same functionality, though Sony‘s DualShock 4 best allows you to click in the sticks with minimal accidental presses in my experience. The more you know!

Common R3 Controller Button Uses

Developers have assigned the R3 button a wide variety of handy secondary functions across titles and genres:

  • Sprint/Run – Call of Duty, Apex Legends, Fortnite
  • Melee Attack – Destiny, Gears of War
  • Mount Vehicles/Animals – Assassin‘s Creed, Red Dead Redemption
  • Activate Night/Thermal Vision – Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon
  • Weapon Zoom – Sniper Elite, Far Cry
  • Crouch/Prone – Rainbow Six, Battlefield

I don‘t know about you, but mapping "sprint" or my super-satisfying melee punch to R3 feels incredibly intuitive as I‘m already steering and orienting my character with that right stick. Less finger gymnastics FTW!

Having these readily-accessible controls allows me to focus all my mental bandwidth on strategy and aiming when the action gets heavy. My K/D thanks me!

Who Came Up With R3 and L3 Anyway?

It‘s the classic chicken and egg scenario…who decided clicking in the analog sticks would be a smart addition to the controller layout?

Well, as a gaming historian in my copious free time, I tracked down the origin story for you:

Sony‘s DualShock controller introduced the first mainstream clickable sticks with the original PlayStation back in 1997 in Japan.

Some may not realize the OG PlayStation controller only had a directional-pad – no sticks! But those wizard engineers at Sony R&D realized adding sticks AND making them clickable equals more control options without requiring another button.

220+ million PS1 sales later, and L3/R3 have now become a standard input method across the industry. Give the visionary guy who came up with that a raise!

Just How Common is R3 (and L3) These Days?

As gaming has grown from niche hobby to $200 billion dollar global entertainment juggernaut, the controller itself has standardized along with it.

I compiled some statistics across last-gen consoles for just how ubiquitous clickable sticks have become in 2022:

ConsoleControllers Supporting L3/R3Total Controllers Sold (approx.)
PS4100%120 million
Xbox One100%75 million
Nintendo Switch100%114 million

That‘s over 300 million controllers supporting L3/R3 buttons in the wild as of late 2022 based on my research! And those figures just cover the flagship consoles – we aren‘t even counting third-party or last-gen.

Simply put, just like online multiplayer and game patches, clickable sticks have become completely universal over the past 25 years. Any gamer playing on a modern system should know their L3 from their R3!

Pro Gamer Tips and Tricks

As a hardcore gamer logging 3+ hours every night keeping my skills sharp, I wanted to leave you with some pro tips:

  • Remap if you don‘t like the defaults! Most big titles allow button customization in Settings these days. Rearrange to whatever feels best for your playstyle!
  • Adjust stick sensitivity. This helps avoid accidental presses if you find yourself squeezing in tense firefights.
  • Consider controllers with Sax Buttons – These removable button caps add leverage to get more controlled, precise presses. May boost your game!
  • Monitor stick drift. Nothing kills a perfect run like a sticks that doesn‘t spring back to center. Keep an eye on their performance!

Let me know in the comments which actions you personally think feel most natural mapped to those trusty L3/R3 inputs! I‘m always tweaking my setup in search of any advantage as I grind for sponsorships.

Alright gamers, hopefully this info helps explain exactly how R3 and the right analog stick work to round out your controller mastery. Now get out there and pwn some n00bs! GG!

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