What is Rick Prime‘s IQ?

As a Rick and Morty super-fan and veteran gaming commentator, one question I‘m often asked is: what is Rick Prime‘s IQ score? Rick Sanchez demonstrates such astonishing displays of genius that fans hunger to put a number to it. But as I‘ll show, quantifying even an approximation of Prime Rick‘s intelligence proves impossible…and misses the point entirely.

Establishing Rick Sanchez as a Genius

First, to understand Rick Prime, one must appreciate Rick C-137‘s prodigious intellect. Rick‘s genius transcends IQ scores or academic credentials. He exhibits Einstein-level brilliance not through tests, but in mastering science so advanced it seems magical:

  • Portal technology enabling instant transportation across infinite dimensions
  • Unlocking the "Morphizer-XE" device allowing complete cellular control over living and non-living matter
  • Mind-enhancing helmets expanding cognition across the multiverse

Even baseline Human Ricks defy quantification – no IQ test can measure the man who can turn people into Cronenbergs on a drunken binge.

Rick‘s Feats of Genius Compared to Human IQ Scale

IQ RangeReal-World ExampleRick Feat
115-130Software EngineerInvents sentient AI
145-160ProfessorMiniverse Battery
>200Theoretical PhysicistPortal Creation

So how does Rick Prime compare to his C-137 variant when it comes to super-intelligence?

Two Types of Evil Genius

While equally brilliant, dramatic differences emerge between Rick Prime and C-137:

Nihilism: Prime Rick‘s malevolent acts emerge from a place of pure nihilism – no attachments, no meaning. By comparison, C-137 Rick forms attachments he then attempts to rationalize with pseudo-nihilistic outlooks.

Ego: Unlike self-loathing C-137, Prime Rick seems to exhibit normal megalomania consistent across the multiverse. He likely fulfills the "Rickest Rick" archetype fans speculate about.

So in lacking any pretense of connection, does Prime Rick‘s "purer" nihilism enable him to wield intelligence less encumbered? Let‘s break down the key barriers between Humans and God-like genius shown in the series…

Unlocking God-like Intelligence as Rick Prime

BarrierC-137 Example Prime Rick Speculation
Moral RelativismTwists love as much as evilEmbraces cruelty
NihilismUses as shield against pain"Rickest" pure nihilism
EmpathyBuried under egoNonexistent
Resulting Traits
Pure AmbitionUnbounded ambition
God ComplexMasks self-loathingGenuine god complex

Shedding key Human hindrances to pursuing intellectual greatness primes Prime Rick as the ultimate manifestation of Sanchez genius…and depravity.

The Immeasurable Intelligence of Rick Prime

While Rick Prime‘s specific IQ score remains unknown, quantifying it ultimately proves irrelevant, missing the philosophical questions his character raises.

What meaning exists when even the smartest being discards connection and mortality? Does intellect alone absent wisdom enable God-hood…or erase humanity entirely?

These questions haunt fans for deeper reasons than an number quantifying Prime Rick‘s intelligence. And as the show continues exploring evil genius through characters like Prime Rick, such questions around the limits of science and human costs of progress will remain center stage.

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