What is "Run it 3 Times" in Poker?

At its core, "running it three times" simply means dealing the remaining board cards three times when two players are all-in. But there are strategic reasons why players choose this option – it directly impacts variance and sweat equity. Here‘s a full overview.

Defining the Rule

Run it 3 times (or running it thrice) is a single table poker rule that gives players the option to run out the remaining board cards up to three times when heads-up and all-in on the flop or turn.

Here is the formal definition:

When only two players remain with cards, both all-in, they may agree to deal remaining board cards up to three times. The pot is divided equally among runs, awarded to the player with the best hand in each runout.

So if both players opt-in, the turn and river are essentially dealt three separate times. Each runout divides one-third of the pot to the winner.

Why Do Players Run It 3 Times?

There are two major strategic reasons to run it multiple times:

1. Reduce Variance

Running once puts the entire pot at the fate of a single runout. This amplifies luck and unpredictability – even if you were massively ahead pre-flop.

Running it 3x splits this volatility into smaller chunks. It does not change overall EV, but does smooth out big swings.

2. Added Sweat Equity

When behind, more runouts equates to more chances to catch up and scoop part of the pot. If one player has many outs, running it 3x maximizes their odds to improve and push their equity.

At its core, run it 3x exchanges overall variance for added sweat and anticipation. For risk-averse players locked in a cooler, reducing volatility often outweighs dampening excitement.

The Math & Strategic Impacts

Mathematically speaking, running it multiple times does not impact either player‘s ex-ante equity heading into the runouts. It only changes distribution of outcomes.

To demonstrate, let‘s use an example:

Preflop it goes all in: Annie has pocket kings (80% equity) vs. Bob‘s A-J suited (20% equity)

Run it Once

Run once, there is a singular board and 20% chance Bob wins the whole $100 pot.

Annie EV = $80, Bob EV = $20

Run it 3X

Run it 3x, Bob now has 3 chances to win $33 pots whenever he hits his 20% equity.

Annie EV = $80, Bob EV = $20

As you can see, the math stays identical – but there is far less volatility by splitting the pot. Bob has less chance for a blowout $100 pot, but more chances to claim part.

For players, running it 3x allows you to maximize or protect equity interests depending on if you are behind or not.

Industry Perspectives on Running It 3x

According to veteran pro player Daniel Negreanu:

"I think running it twice is good because it protects big favorites. Running it three times reduces variance even more…you minimize bad beats for big favorites and give players a little more equity when they’re way behind.”

Fellow pro Jonathan Little echoes similar logic:

“Say we decided to run this pot twice and you end up winning both runouts. Well now, you basically earned twice as much as you rightfully should have. If you run it three times, it allows everyone to more closely approach their actual equity."

These quotes demonstrate how industry thinking aligns. Stars run it 3x to moderate swings, especially when deep stacks go in badly.

Implementing the Option

There are a few key ground rules around using run it 3x:

  • Only heads-up & all-in – Must be just 2 players left with no more betting or folding.
  • Verbal agreement – Both players must confirm out loud prior to dealing next card. Non-standard rule.
  • On flop or turn – Can only implement on 4th or 5th street before final river card.

Without mutual consent prior to next deal, the hand will run out naturally once with no option.Players not all-in can also agree to run 3x but cannot force the all-in player to comply.

To Run It 3x or Not?

When deciding whether or not to use run it 3x, consider these factors:

✅ Propose it when you have the equity edge. Protect your lead.

❌ Avoid offering when you have many outs and can capitalize on more cards.

✅ Consider it when holding big overpairs, large made hands that could still lose.

❌ Be wary asking for it with thin draws that need perfect cards to win.

At the end of the day it comes down to a balance of risk tolerance and sweat equity. Use it to minimize exposure or increase your odds – just be sure your opponent agrees!

History & Origins

Running it multiple times has its roots in Chinese Pai Gow and has existed in home games for ages. It emerged more prominently in American card rooms in the late 1980s.

At the time, poker legend Doyle Brunson actually opposed running it twice as it killed action. But momentum shifted industry-wide through the 2000s.

After Black Friday 2011 and rise of advanced solvers, running it 2-3x became more ubiquitous as pros aimed to reduce volatility. Now it‘s a standard option across most US poker rooms.

Key Takeaways: Running It 3 Times

While simple in principle, properly leveraging run it 3x as a strategic tool requires an analytical approach and calculated decision-making:

✅ Use it to protect large equity leads, minimize exposure

✅ Consider it when holding vulnerable big overpairs

✅ Propose when ahead, be wary when drawing thin

✅ It reduces variance but doesn‘t change overall EV

At the end of the day, running it 3 times smoothes out the swings inherent to this great game – keeping poker fun, friendly, and prosperous for all.

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