What is SCP-049‘s Real Name?

SCP-049‘s true name remains unknown in existing SCP documentation. Referred to as "the Plague Doctor" by the Foundation, this humanoid entity is steeped in mystery for dedicated fans. Let‘s explore what details have emerged about 049‘s abilities, origins, and encounters as an iconic SCP figure.


SCP-049 resembles a 15th-16th century European plague doctor, clad in signature beaked mask and long black robes. It claims to have originated from 15th century France – likely referring to its human life preceding the anomalous abilities that landed it under Foundation containment.

While 049‘s motivations and attitudes often seem nefarious from our modern viewpoint, it maintains that its treatments are "curing" an unidentified plague that only it can detect. Its refusal to acknowledge modern medicine paired with harmful violence toward human subjects have branded 049 a deadly threat.


  • Anomalous disease detection that 049 describes as a "pestilence" invisible to others
  • Touch-based lethal effect toward humans
  • Corpse reanimation into aggressive drones (SCP-049-2)
  • Withdrawal of fluids/organs from corpses using medieval doctor tools
  • Telepathic suggestion and memory alteration
  • Speaking fluent English and French

Reports indicate that 049 gained these paranormal capabilities sometime during the early Renaissance period in its native France. Containment has proven challenging with 049‘s telepathy enabling mind control over staff interacting with it directly.


While containment protocols restrict 049‘s contact with personnel and other captive SCPs, some documented interactions provide insight into its enigmatic nature:

SCP-035 ("Possessive Mask"): Initially seemed fond of 049, later claimed to despise it after an undisclosed past incident. Their tense history remains unclear.

SCP-053 ("Young Girl"): 049 enters an enraged state around this humanoid child SCP, engaging in relentless efforts to [DATA EXPUNGED].

Dr. Hamm (Site-19 Researcher): 049 breached containment in a reported attempt to locate and [DATA EXPUNGED] Dr. Hamm, implying a personal vendetta.

These examples suggest a temperamental and perhaps vengeful aspect to 049‘s personality beyond scientific curiosity or cure-driven motivation. Its full character complexity continues to elude and disturb researchers.


While the persona beneath SCP-049‘s iconic plague doctor visage remains largely unknown, snippets can be gleaned from various documentation relics across centuries and accounts:

  • Handwritten notes from 12th century Colchester depict a figure matching 049‘s description wandering the streets
  • Moscow outbreak of anomalous "White Death" disease in 1802 includes eyewitness accounts of 049
  • ████ police report from 19th century France details murder scene suggestively linking 049 to gruesome methods still used in containment today

Sadly, with such sparse and faded clues about 049‘s pre-Foundation days, fans can only speculate about the complete identity of this medieval monster. We may never know the plague doctor‘s true name or origins beyond its 1700s emergence as a deadly SCP.


While many details around SCP-049 remain locked behind expunged files and lost history, its fearsome capabilities and mysterious air endure through rare glimpses and alarming interactions within Foundation records. Veteran fans and knowledgeable gamers continue working to unveil 049‘s secrets through discuss, debate, and digital recreation of this iconic entity. What parts of its identity will we uncover next?

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