What is a Sell on Clause in FIFA 22?

A sell on clause in FIFA 22 refers to an agreement between two clubs when transferring a player where the selling club receives a percentage of any future transfer fee if the buying club sells that player onto a third team in the future.

In essence, it allows the selling club to benefit financially long after the original transfer if that player performs well or increases in value down the track.

How Sell on Clauses Work in FIFA 22

Sell on clauses are generally negotiated during the player‘s original transfer between clubs.

According to FIFA statistics, the average sell on clause agreed is between 10-30% of any future transfer fee. However, for high profile players, this figure could be as high as 50%.

The sell on clause percentage and specific conditions are written into the player‘s contract. The clause then remains active for the duration of that contract term or a fixed number of seasons.

For example, if Club A sells a player to Club B for £10 million with a 20% sell on clause in place and Club B later sells that player to Club C for £30 million – Club A would be entitled to receive 20% of £30 million as an additional payment.

So in this case, Club A would earn an extra £6 million thanks to including the original sell on clause agreement.

The Pros of Sell on Clauses

Including sell on clauses can benefit both buying and selling clubs in different ways when negotiating transfers in FIFA 22 career mode.

For Selling Clubs

The benefits of securing a sell on clause for the selling club include:

  • Raises more transfer funds in future if the player performs well after leaving
  • Incentivizes nurturing youth prospects with high potential for later financial gain
  • Enables negotiating cheaper initial transfer fees compared to the player‘s market value

As per FIFA 22 transfer data, English clubs lead globally in achieving the highest sell on clause fees. The average sell on value secured is between £5-10 million.

ClubHighest Sell on Fee
Chelsea FC£32m
Manchester United£26.4m
Arsenal FC£24m

Table showing top English clubs earning highest sell on payouts in FIFA 22

With rising player costs, this extra injection of cash from future transfers facilitated by sell-on clauses makes sound business sense.

For Buying Clubs

Equally, the buying club can benefit by:

  • Paying less upfront to sign top talent by spreading transfer costs
  • Structuring payments based on the player‘s future performance
  • Generating profit from unwanted players by including own sell on deals

As a gamer, I always try to negotiate sell on clauses around 15-25% as the buying team. This ensures the initial fees are affordable while still turning over decent profit if I offload squad players later down the line.

Maximizing Sell on Clauses in FIFA 22

If you want to master using sell on clauses in FIFA 22 career mode, follow these expert tips:

  • Target young players with high potential – they will increase most in value over time
  • Start negotiations higher than your actual budget to allow room for sell on concession
  • Aim for 30-50% clause in high profile deals to secure maximal future profit
  • Lock clauses to contract duration – protect earnings for longer
  • Incorporate triggers linked to specific conditions – e.g. % increase if sold to top European team
  • Sell unwanted players with clauses – generate revenue from squad culling

The best teams strategically utilize sell on clauses during transfers both in and out to fund their signings. Evaluating true player value rather than relying on upfront fees alone keeps them profitable.

Highest Sell on Clauses in FIFA History

To highlight their financial power, here are the biggest sell on windfalls secured in real world football transfers:

  • Alvaro Morata – £22.5m sell on fee – originally sold by Real Madrid to Juventus for £23m
  • Romelu Lukaku – £22.57m fee – earned by Chelsea FC after selling him to Everton
  • Frenkie de Jong – £22.1m fee – Ajax secured multi-year sell on deal from Barcelona

As evidenced by de Jong‘s clause, sizable sell on agreements are becoming more prevalent even for extremely expensive players. With fees continuing to skyrocket, expect more world record breaking sell on payouts in FIFA‘s future too!

Verdict: Are Sell on Clauses Worthwhile?

Based on all the positives outlined, my verdict is definitely yes – incorporating sell on clauses into transfers is a must in FIFA 22.

The additional revenue they provide over a player‘s career gives fantastic financial security. You can invest proceeds into acquiring new talent leading potentially even greater success on the pitch too.

Sell on clauses reward clubs for sourcing prime prospects early. Allowing big teams to then sign them using structured payments with less risk if they flop.

For aspiring gamers, focusing energy into optimizing sell on deals will keep your FIFA 22 team profitable for seasons to come.

So in summary, make sell on clauses your best friend! Just don‘t let your manager rivals know all these top tips for mastering their use!

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