Sephiroth Does Not Have a Last Name

As a passionate FF7 gamer and content creator, I can definitively state that Sephiroth does not have an official last name provided in the FF7 canon. His full name is simply "Sephiroth."

The Origins of Sephiroth‘s Name

Sephiroth‘s first name comes from the Jewish mysticism concept of the "Sephirot" (also spelled Sefirot). The Sephirot are the 10 attributes/emanations through which God reveals himself and continuously creates both the physical realm and the metaphysical realm. Sephiroth was created through mystical scientific experiments fusing human cells with extraterrestrial cells from Jenova. Thus, his name connects to his extraordinary origins.

Breakdown of Key Facts on Sephiroth‘s Background

Biological FatherProfessor Hojo
Biological MotherLucrecia Crescent
"Mother" He Connects WithJenova
Early LifeUsed in human experimentation as a fetus, injected with Jenova‘s cells

Hojo and Lucrecia conceived Sephiroth, but he was taken from Lucrecia during fetal development and underwent genetic experimentation, being injected with Jenova‘s extraterrestrial cells. This granted him unmatched strength and powers, but destabilized his mental state over time.

He grew up believing Jenova to be his mother, developing a desire for godhood and vengeance. According to my estimates from the FFIV timeline, he was about 22-years-old during the Nibelheim Incident and is around 27-years-old in Final Fantasy VII when he attempts to become a God by summoning a meteor.

No Adopted Family or Last Name Provided

Due to Hojo‘s experiments, Sephiroth did not have a normal upbringing or family structure. He was raised by Shinra for his powerful capabilities and believed Professor Hojo was his father, but did not have parental affection. There are no official records of him having an adopted family or taking on a last name.

In the entirety of FFVII‘s expansive lore across games and extended universe content, Sephiroth is only ever referred to by his singular first name. As far as any official information provides, "Sephiroth" is his full name with no attached last name.

The One-Winged Angel

Sephiroth‘s final form in FFVII is "Safer Sephiroth" (or "Seifa Sephiroth" in Japanese), showing one black wing emerging from his right shoulder. His theme song titled "One-Winged Angel" references this appearance. Given Sephiroth‘s ambitions of godhood, this form continues the fallen angel motif.

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