What is Spider-Man‘s Secret War suit?

As a passionate Marvel fan and avid PS4 gamer, I‘m thrilled to provide the inside scoop on Spidey‘s awesome black armored suit with enhanced combat powers known as the Secret War suit. Equipping this sinister suit in Marvel‘s Spider-Man will bring extra adrenaline-fueled flair to your crime fighting escapades in New York City.

The Secret War Suit‘s Comic Book Origins and Powers

The Secret War suit first appeared in Marvel‘s famous 1984-1985 Secret Wars comic crossover event. When Spider-Man‘s red and blue suit tears in an intense battle on the alien planet Battleworld, he discovers a mysterious machine that he believes manufactures costumes. But upon activating it, he inadvertently releases a strange black alien symbiote that bonds with him, transforming his tattered suit into a dark black suit with expansive new powers.

This sleek black suit could mimic fabrics, clothing, and responded to Spider-Man‘s mental commands. But most impressively, it enhanced Spider-Man‘s abilities, generating webbing from its own mass, increasing his strength and making him more aggressive and violent in battles.

However, as revealed later, this was no ordinary suit – it was actually an alien symbiote life form that slowly took control of Spider-Man‘s mind and body through adrenaline and negative emotion. When Spider-Man rejected the symbiote back on Earth, it found a new host – Eddie Brock – becoming the villainous Venom.

So while short-lived, Spider-Man‘s black costume bestowed incredible combat abilities, making it one of his most formidable suits ever in the Marvel universe in terms of raw power.

Key Capabilities of Spider-Man‘s Black Symbiote Suit

  • Organic webbing generation
  • Shapeshifting fabric textures
  • Increased strength and aggression
  • Enhanced Spider sense
  • Temporary mind/body control of the host

The Secret War Suit Comes to Marvel‘s Spider-Man PS4

In promoting Marvel‘s Spider-Man leading up to its PS4 release in 2018, developers Insomniac Games thrilled fans by revealing Spidey‘s iconic black suit as an unlockable alternate costume termed the "Secret War suit."

As a skilled PS4 player and Spider-Man expert, I analyzed the suit in depth upon the game‘s launch. Here‘s an overview of the suit and its capabilities:

Unlocking the Secret War Suit in Spider-Man PS4

To unlock the form-fitting black and white Secret War suit, you must collect:

  • 2 Backpack Tokens
  • 1 Base Token
  • 2 Research Tokens

This costs a total of 12 tokens, making it a mid-tier suit in terms of required collectibles.

The Secret War Suit Power – "Arms Race"

Equipping the suit bestows the "Arms Race" suit power:

  • Increases focus gained from aerial tricks/perfect dodges
  • Allows finishing moves to be performed more rapidly during combat

This power synergizes extremely well with Spider-Man‘s combat-heavy playstyle, enabling you to pull off stylish finishers one after another.

Suit Ability Analysis

Based on my extensive playtesting of the Secret War suit in New York‘s streets and rooftops, here is an analysis of its capabilities:

Webbing Generation: No intrinsic organic webbing generation like the comics. The traditional web shooters are still utilized.

Shapeshifting Fabric: The suit remains static and does not demonstrate mimicking properties.

Raw Strength/Aggression: No direct upgrades to strength or aggression levels.

Enhanced Spider Sense: The enhanced focus generation does tangentially improve avoidance reaction times.

Mind/Body Control: Symbiote exhibits no control or influence over Spider-Man‘s mind or body.

So while not an exact translation from the comics, the Secret War suit retains the iconic black symbiote aesthetic and provides a combat edge with its Arms Race perk.

The Secret War Suit in Action

Gliding through the neon-bathed streets of New York City while draped in this menacing black suit truly feels cinematic. The white accents and emboldened spider emblem really make it pop.

I also found the suit to be extremely effective in close quarters combat. The increased focus generation fed my penchant for hyper-aggressive play. I was able to unleash an onslaught of uninterrupted finishers, channeling Spidey‘s dark side.

While I still favor the comic book-classic Advanced Suit, the Secret War suit quickly became my second go-to choice. Its subtle connections to the symbiote lore blended with augmented combat abilities make it a must-have suit for all Marvel fans.

The Secret War Suit‘s Enduring Legacy

The Secret War suit‘s inception in 1984 left an iconic legacy across Marvel media. After bonding with Eddie Brock as Venom, altered versions of Spider-Man‘s sleek black suit continued appearing in comics, films, and video games for years.

The suit itself represents a pivotal coming-of-age story for Spider-Man in struggling to overcome the symbiotic influence. It taught him that absolute power often comes with a cost.

In summary, Spider-Man‘s black suit will forever be ingrained as one of his most memorable and fascinating transformations. With its recent outstanding adaptation in Insomniac Games‘ Marvel‘s Spider-Man for PS4, the Secret War suit has cemented its status as a fan favorite Spidey costume with a revered history behind its mysterious origins.

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