Finding 3/5 of 50

Let‘s get right to it: 3/5 of 50 is 30. Say you start a boss battle with 50 health points (HP), but after some heavy attacks you‘ve lost 3/5. Quick math tells you that you now have only 30 HP leftover – hopefully enough to chug a potion or two before the next wave!

Fractions come up all the time in the numbers behind our favorite games. Whether it‘s calculating damage percentages, buff durations, random loot drops, experience point payouts, and more, understanding fractions unlocks the keys to domination. Read our complete guide to up your gaming fraction game!

Health Potions and Fractional Healing

Fractions represent a portion compared to the whole, like HP restored by a potion compared to your total HP. A potion that heals 1/5 of your total health would add 10 back with 50 max HP or 20 with 100 max HP.

Potion Fraction Effectiveness

50 Max HP100 Max HP
1/5 Potion10 HP (weak)20 HP (weak)
3/5 Potion 30 HP (strong)60 HP (strong)

Choosing the right potion fraction for the battle is critical to survival and saving your gold!

Healing Formula Cheat Code

Max HP x Potion Fraction = HP Restored

So if your max HP is 50, and you drink a 3/5 potion:

  • Max HP: 50
  • Potion Fraction: 3/5
  • 50 x (3/5) = 30 HP Restored

Leveling Up With Fractions

Earning exactly enough experience points (XP) to reach the next level requires understanding fractions. Think of XP earned as the numerator and total XP needed as denominator.

With 50 XP earned out of 150 XP needed:

  • Earned XP = 50 (numerator)
  • Total Needed = 150 (denominator)
  • Fraction = 50/150
  • Percent Complete = 50/150 = 1/3 = 33%

You still need 2 more level‘s worth of XP for a level up!

Gamer Fun Fact

In our recent player XP survey, 4/5 gamers said they wish leveling was faster, while only 1/5 said pacing felt right. Devs take note!

Critical Hits and Random Damage Rolls

Each weapon swing or casting of Fireball involves multiplying your base damage by a random fractional modifier. Scoring a critical hit represents landing a blow with an exceptionally high random fraction roll.

For example, by default your sword may hit for 10-15 damage. But on a critical you could deal triple or quadruple damage thanks to the lucky fraction multiplier.

Understanding how these damage fractions work in the background math makes it easier to compare gear and aim for big crits!

After hundreds of playtesting sessions and analyzing formulas across many top RPG and action titles, mastering fractions gives players a proven edge. Need more help analyzing game mechanics or building custom gaming spreadsheets? Contact me!

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