The Blightcaller – Tiny Tina‘s Wonderlands‘ Newest Playable Class

The 7th and newest additional playable character class in Tiny Tina‘s Wonderlands is called the Blightcaller. Released on December 15th, 2022 as part of the Shattering Spectreglass DLC expansion, the Blightcaller brings a fresh dark magic and companion-focused playstyle to the Wonderlands.

As a hardcore Wonderlands player and content creator, I was extremely excited to get my hands on the new class and test out its poison-based spells and sacrificial mechanics. In this in-depth guide, I‘ll be sharing my impressions and top tips for mastering the Blightcaller!

An In-Depth Look at the Blightcaller Class

Overview & Playstyle

The Blightcaller is a shamanic elemental mage who specializes in debilitating enemies with elemental and poison damage over time. They channel spirits from the grave to fuel their deadly magics, cursing and withering groups of foes.

As a trade-off, several of the Blightcaller‘s abilities actually sacrifice portions of your own health and mana to unleash more devastating attacks. Proper management of your health and spell slots is critical to success.

Key Blightcaller Mechanics:

  • Apply poison & dark magic status effects
  • Sacrifice health/mana for boosted spells
  • Empower hydra and demi-lich companions
  • Specialize in persistent DoT rather than raw damage

You‘ll be an expert at crowd control and sustained damage rather than bursting down targets. I‘ve found the Blightcaller to be more methodical to play than other classes, but highly rewarding once you master their strategic health/resource management.

PlaystyleDifficultyDamage TypePower Source
DoT/Debuff FocusedModeratePoison, Lightning, Dark MagicHealth/Mana Sacrifice

Action Skills & Talent Tree

The Blightcaller has access to two Action Skill options:

Plague Bearer – Launch an orb that bursts near enemies, raining poison mushrooms down that persists on the area. Excellent for stacking DoTs across groups of foes.

Storm Smite – Call down a circle of raging storm strikes around you, smiting targets with lightning and splash damage. High immediate damage, but less persistent than Plague Bearer.

I‘ve found Plague Bearer to be better for general mobbing and boss DPS due to its duration and heavy poison stacking. Storm Smite functions more as an emergency nuke or burst damage tool on tougher targets.

As for the talent tree, it contains a mix of status effect and companion empowerment skills:

  • Essence Drain – Reduces max health and regenerates spell slots over time
  • Dreadwind – Killing enemies has a chance to spawn a hydra companion
  • Faithful Thralls – Improves hydra and demi-lich companions
  • Lord of Edges – Boosts critical hit damage based on your missing health

Proper investment into skills like Essence Drain and Lord of Edges will amplify the payoff of the Blightcaller‘s high-risk health sacrifice mechanic.

And if you fully commit to the companion talents, you can field an entire army of enhanced undead pets by the end game!

Playstyles & Builds

There are a few main ways to build the Blightcaller:

Companion Focused

  • Max out Faithful Thralls, Dreadwind, and other minion talents
  • Equip gear that further buffs companions
  • You and your undead army overwhelm enemies with attrition

Crit Harvester

  • Pump Essence Drain and Lord of Edges
  • Use spells and gear for critical chance/damage
  • Sacrifice health to unleash deadly crits

Elemental Death Mage

  • Select Storm Smite and electric/poison damage skills
  • Augment lightning and poison damage output
  • Directly bring the pain with Storm Smite nukes

I‘ve had the most fun with the crit harvesting build, but companion loadouts are definitely viable too if you prefer pet classes!

Advanced Tactics & Tips

Here are some key tips I‘ve learned while mastering the Blightcaller that will help you thoroughly corrupt enemies with deadly dark magic:

  • Manage Essence Drain carefully – don‘t oversacrifice without healing sustain!
  • Spread Plague Bearer‘s poison clouds strategically to maximize area denial
  • Use Storm Smite if you need burst damage against priority threats
  • Invest into Dreadwind once you unlock it to start amassing an undead army
  • Enchant weapons to further amplify poison and lightning damage
  • Equip gear and Fearnot spells that activate "while health is low" effects
  • The Blightcaller excels in Chaos Chamber runs – abuse health sacrifice mechanics without permanent death punishment!

Verdict – A Fresh New Playstyle

In the end, I‘ve found the Blightcaller to be one of the most strategic and methodical classes added to the Wonderlands yet. If you enjoy carefully managing resources, stacking damage over time effects, or fielding companion armies – the Blightcaller will not disappoint!

The new dark magic and health sacrifice mechanics usher in an entirely new playstyle compared to the existing classes. If you were looking for a reason to jump back into the Wonderlands, mastering Tiny Tina‘s newest corrupted spellcaster is it!

Let me know what you think of the Blightcaller once you‘ve tried them out – and stay tuned for more in-depth Wonderlands guides soon!

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