What is the Ace Hardware Jingle in 2024? A Nostalgic Branding Success Story

With over 5,500 stores across the globe, Ace Hardware is one of the most iconic and recognizable retail chains today. And a key part of their enduring brand identity is their famous jingle. Let‘s dive into the evolution and power of the Ace Hardware jingle after over 40 years in the spotlight.

The Origins of An Iconic Jingle

The original Ace Hardware jingle dates back to a 1976 advertising campaign created by agency O‘Keefe, Reinhard & Paul. It featured the lyrics:

"Ace is the place with the helpful hardware man"

This jingle was sung by popular actress Connie Stevens in early TV ads. It highlighted the knowledge and personalized service offered by Ace employees.

According to Ace Hardware‘s official company history, within two years of the jingle‘s debut, Ace‘s brand awareness jumped from 12% to 90%.

The catchy tune helped cement Ace Hardware stores as the place for helpful advice for any DIY project.

Updating A Classic Jingle for the Times

In 1989, the jingle received a update to reflect more inclusive times. The lyrics changed to:

"Ace is the place with the helpful hardware folks"

With this version still used today, "folks" replaced "man" to represent Ace‘s diverse employees. While lyrics changed, the distinctive melody stayed the same.

Notable Jingle Lyric Changes

1976"Ace is the place with the helpful hardware man"
1989"Ace is the place with the helpful hardware folks"

The Jingle Defines the Ace Hardware Experience

The upbeat piano and lively percussion perfectly capture the Ace Hardware environment. Customers are greeted with smiles and find assistance buzzing down the aisles.

Terms like "helpful" and "folks" reflect Ace‘s brand position as a neighborhood hardware store. Shoppers see Ace employees as trusted advisors who can help them solve projects and find products. This personal touch allows Ace to differentiate from big box competitors.

In 2021 surveys, over 85% of DIY customers said that the knowledgeable staff is what sets Ace Hardware apart. The iconic jingle has helped define exceptional service as a core part of the Ace brand for decades.

Bringing Back Brand Nostalgia in Recent Advertising

While not as prominent as in the past, the memorable Ace jingle still makes periodic comebacks today:

  • In 2016, Ace returned the full jingle to ads after a 15 year hiatus. It was featured in their "Ace is the Place" national campaign.

  • The melody continues to be used in the background of current TV and radio ads. This maintains brand consistency and consumer recognition.

  • Ace has also adapted the jingle in online video and social media ads geared at younger demographics. Itscatchiness defies generational divides.

The jingle of today may be different from 1976, but it continues Ace‘s legacy of being "the helpful place." For lifelong Ace shoppers, those familiar bars and lyrics evoke a sense of nostalgia. In an ever-changing retail landscape, the jingle provides continuity to a trusted brand.

So don‘t expect the iconic Ace Hardware jingle to disappear any time soon. This musical branding has stood the test of time and remains an invaluable part of Ace‘s friendly identity.

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