What is the Arbiter Good for in Halo Wars 2? A Sangheili Warlord Worth Mastering

As a long-time Halo Wars player with over 1500 hours logged, I‘m often asked – who‘s the best leader to play? My answer: look no further than the formidable Arbiter. Boasting a killer Rage ability and formidable hero unit presence, the Arbiter enables uniquely aggressive, high-risk tactics that keep opponents guessing.

An Offensive Powerhouse Thanks to Rage

The Arbiter‘s signature Rage Mode skill supercharges his damage against a targeted enemy unit while also buffing all nearby allies‘ attack power for its duration. Fully upgraded via the "Carving Blade" upgrade at 8 leader points, Rage brings the following mighty benefits:

  • 50% Arbiter damage increase against the marked target foe
  • Up to 30% damage boost for nearby friendly infantry/vehicles
  • AoE aura that moves with the Arbiter during Rage
  • Extended Rage duration for maximum boost uptime

Table 1 compares the increasing offensive stats at different Rage upgrade levels:

Rage Upgrade LevelArbiter DMG BonusAlly DMG BoostRage Duration
Level 135%20%18 sec
Level 240%25%21 sec
Level 3 (Max)50%30%24 sec

These significant statistical bumps give the Arbiter terrifying damage potential. By picking key Rage targets like enemy Spartans or air units and smartly positioning for allied buffing, you can trade extremely efficiently in fights.

Dominating with Diverse Rage Tactics

Beyond the raw numbers, the psychological and tactical edge provided by well-executed Rage maneuvers is immense. Some examples of battle-winning combos include:

Rage + Banshees: Timed correctly, Raging as 8+ Banshees are en route overwhelms even fierce anti-air. Once in range, the amplified Banshees shred bases ruthlessly.

Rage Bombing: Utilizing Rage‘s movement during a Ghost ram against mass infantry bunches conveys the bonus in an explosion of carnage.

Rush Boosting: Augmenting a early game infantry zerg with Rage catches unprepared opponents off-guard.

Mass Air Ally Play: Coordinating with teammates fielding air forces leverages Rage‘s airborne mobility for maximum map presence.

And these are only a few options! Rage enables adaptable aggression limited only by your cunning. Against top players, mixing up Rage timing and coordination is key, while lower tier matches allow wreaking more sheer havoc.

Duelist Hero Unit

Independent of his game-changing Rage powers, the Arbiter operates as a formidable duelist hero unit. Wielding lethal plasma swords and a Sangheili Honor Guardsman‘s martial expertise, he dominates 1v1 infantry confrontations through a blend of damage and disruption capabilities:

Anti-Infantry: Heavy area plasma burns damage swathes of infantry
Stasis Field (Upgradable): His immobilization beam stops melee attackers in their tracks
High Health Pool: At max level (10) boasting over 5000 HP ensures durability
Teleport Dodge: A short-distance vanish lets the Arbiter evade fatal blows

This well-rounded toolkit allows the Arbiter to lock down objectives like contested points or bases to buy your main forces time. Few foes survive prolonged solo encounters with his sustained close quarters threat.

And I‘d be remiss not to mention aesthetic appeal! Even 20 years since discovering Halo, watching the Arbiter carve through ranks of foes with lethal grace never gets old.

Ally Damage Amplification Creates Army Swings

While the Arbiter dominates duels, one of Rage‘s most satisfying applications is multiplying your army strength for decisive engagements. The area buff applies to all friendly infantry and vehicles, influencing clashes far beyond the Arbiter‘s striking distance.

Savvy players accumulate a surprising mass of troops even early on in Halo Wars 2. Leveraging this numbers advantage together with amplified Rage pushes can determine games minutes in.

For example, boosting 12 upgraded Marines with Rage‘s 30% infusion before a base siege promptly melts defenders. Supported by residual DPS like a Gunner Hog, securing even a second Tier-2 base becomes possible inside 5 minutes! This momentum shift capacity is why every match against the Arbiter feels on a knife‘s edge.

Why The Arbiter Shines: Adaptable, Unpredictable, Offensively Potent

I‘ve tested every Halo Wars 2 leader extensively over the past 5 years, accounting for multiple patches adjusting balance. Even so, the Arbiter stands out through today as my most played for good reason. His talent for aggressive, adaptive play rewarded by Rage cannot be overstated.

At a high level, facing the Arbiter‘s capability to alter any skirmish‘s tide means opponents must remain vigilant. The constant threat that the next Ranger squad, Warthog ram, or Marine platoon will gain unleashed new ferocity breeds tension. Mind games around timing Rage to fake commits or bait overreactions also pressure foes psychologically, setting up future moves.

Quite simply the Arbiter allows playing Halo Wars 2 in a unique way no other leader matches. Embodying Sangheili martial philosophy, through decisive aggression and calculated risk you crush enemies with attacks from unexpected vectors. When Rage aligns with your troops‘ positioning, no other sensation replicates the satisfaction of steamrolling opponents with your amplified onslaught.

For these reasons, any aspiring Halo Wars 2 player deserves to add the Master of Rage to their roster. Understanding both using his powers yourself and playing against them hones strategic thinking around timing, positioning, and calculated gambits. Just don‘t be surprised to find his finely honed blades growing on you as you channel the Arbiter‘s lethal grace!

So in summary, what is the Arbiter good for in Halo Wars 2? Unleashing carnage upon foes through flexible aggressive play rewarded by his signature Rage ability and domination as a lethal Sangheili warlord hero unit. Have you felt the Arbiter‘s wrath yet? Let me know your most devastating victories utilizing his formidable talents in the comments below!

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