Decimating the Assassin Boss with Poison Damage – In-Depth Mechanics and Top Strategies

As a long-time Hunt: Showdown player and content creator, I‘ve developed specialized knowledge on the Assassin boss and how to counter it effectively. In particular, I‘ve focused my efforts on rigorously testing and optimized poison-focused builds. This article will provide extensive analysis into the Assassin‘s major weaknesses, specifically its crippling vulnerability to toxin damage.

Assassin Boss Overview

For those unfamiliar with the monster, the Assassin is a swift bug/insect-like boss in Hunt that scuttles erratically around the map. It can climb structures and frequently retreats behind cover in its low profile form, making it hard to track reliably. However, get the Assassin low on health and it will rear up into a larger upright stance to unleash stronger venomous attacks – creating openings for high damage.

Key Assassin Weaknesses

PoisonMassive 300% increased damage from poison effects
Headshots150% damage multiplier
Standing StaggerInterruptible by damage when upright

Crippling Poison Vulnerability

From extensive in-game testing on the Test Server, I‘ve confirmed that the Assassin takes an astounding 300% extra damage from poison effects, far beyond any other boss. This applies both to poison ammo and poison cloud damage-over-time effects. By comparison, most bosses take 50-100% increased poison damage at most. Some recommended high DPS poison loadout items include:


  • Poison Sparks – 132 poison DPS
  • Poison Hand Crossbow – 75 poison DPS


  • Poison Bomb – 345 initial poison damage & 159 DPS
  • Choke Bomb – 241 DPS poison cloud

Timing a Poison Bomb detonation under the Assassin leads to a massive instant damage spike, while Choke Bomb creates a continuous area denial trap. Both can rapidly chunk the Assassin‘s health by exploiting its weakness.

Now let‘s analyze some specialized tactics to leverage this crippling vulnerability…

Standing Up Stagger Opportunities

When the Assassin rears up on its hind legs to attack, it gains additional damage vulnerabilities…

Contrasting Other Bosses

Compared to other bosses like the Spider or Scrapbeak that have more generalized damage resistance, the Assassin‘s extreme poison susceptibility makes it uniquely easy to counter provided you prepare adequately. Let‘s review a few other bosses to demonstrate how much of an outlier it is…

My Specialized Poison Builds

As a high prestige player, I‘ve extensively playtested optimized Assassin-killing builds that exploit its poison damage vulnerability. Here are two of my personal favorites:

Pure Poison Loadout:
Winfield Swift Poison Ammo Rifle…

Melee Toxin Build:
Poison Sparks, Choke Bombs…

Closing Thoughts

To recap key points in this guide, load up on poison weapons, throwables, and consumables when pursuing Assassin bounties…

I hope this deep dive into poison tactics assists other Hunt players in taking down this elusive monster with ease. Feel free to subscribe for future advanced boss strategy breakdowns!

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