Who is the Average Apex Legends Player? A Closer Look at the Game‘s Demographics

As a passionate Apex player and content creator, I wanted to dive deeper into the question of who exactly makes up the average Apex Legends player base. While there‘s no definitive age average available, by exploring key age demographic trends and gameplay data we can start to paint a picture of the typical Apex Legends fan in 2023.

Teens Lead in Total Players, Adults Rack Up More Hours

Let‘s start with the hard numbers on age groups actually playing Apex Legends:

Age GroupApex LegendsFortnite
Under 1826% play46% play
18-3432% play29% play

So one quarter of teen gamers plays Apex, making them the largest bloc in terms of pure players. However, when we look at total time spent playing, adults 18-34 likely engage for more hours. Almost one third of the Apex player base falls into this young adult range.

The Typical Apex Player: Late 20s to Early 30s

Given Apex‘s success with both teen and young adult demos, if I had to put an age on the average Apex Legends player for 2023, my guess would be somewhere in the late 20s to early 30s.

This theoretical average represents the crossover point between Apex‘s high teen adoption rates and the increased gameplay we‘re likely seeing from older Millennial and Gen Z adults. Many in this age range came into their gaming prime in the 2010s, making them a perfect fit for Apex‘s high-skill movement and gunplay.

To support this hypothesis that the average skews a little older, there‘s another key data point—monetization by age.

Do Player Age and Spending Correlate in Apex Legends?

Though we don‘t know for certain either way, evidence across gaming and entertainment suggests older audiences do tend to spend more of their disposable income. As young adults progress in their education and careers, their access to excess cashflow tends to increase.

So while teens make up the largest portion of the actual Apex player base at 26%, my guess would be the highest portion of in-game spending stems from older fans in their late 20s and beyond.

Younger gamers certainly buy skins and cosmetics too. But older, more financially-stable fans may be more likely to drop $150+ on that slick new heirloom axe without thinking twice.

The Fortnite Effect: Will Kids Today Shape Apex‘s Future?

Of course, all these average age estimates could change drastically over the next 3-5 years. Apex Legends has continued winning over younger gamers getting into their first battle royales.

And with Fortnite engagement spiking to 46% among current teens, we can already see the next generation falling in love live service shooters. Soon enough, today‘s 12-year old Fortnite addicts could easily shift to becoming tomorrow‘s hardcore Apex Legends players.

If these trends continue, I think future averages will inevitably skew younger as Gen Alpha kids (born after 2010) make up more of the player base. But for now in 2023, the late 20s to early 30s boom Millennial and Gen Z adults should rule.

I‘d love to hear other passionate Apex Legends fans‘ perspectives! How old were you when you first dropped into World‘s Edge? And where do you predict player averages going as gaming‘s next generation joins the Apex Games?

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