What is the Average CP of a Good Pokémon in Pokémon Go?

As an avid Pokémon Go analyst and content creator, I define a “good” CP benchmark as 1500+ for Great and Ultra Leagues and 3000+ for Master League and raids. However, the full picture involves a complex interplay of stats, levels, moves, and mechanics. By investigating key factors correlating with battle potency, we gain deeper insight on real merit beyond surface CP.

CP‘s Relation to Levels, Stats, and League Cutoffs

A Pokémon‘s CP represents its overall power rating derived from its levels, IVs, and base stats. Higher CP is better, but league caps limit maximum CP for eligibility.

  • Great League – 1500 CP
  • Ultra League – 2500 CP
  • Master League – No limit

Thus informed investment in a species‘ strengths and ideal movesets becomes necessary to compete at higher levels rather than blindly maxing out CP.

What CP Threshold Indicates Viability?

Here are viable CP ranges for core meta Pokémon in each league:

Great League

PokemonCP Range

Ultra League

PokemonCP Range
Giratina (Altered)2387-2483

Master League

PokemonCP Range
Giratina (Origin)3658-4091

As you can see, even within constrained CP ranges, actual stats and moves determine who dominates. Now let‘s examine why…

Movesets Over CP

Moves make all the difference – a 2500 CP Charizard with bad moves flounders while a 2200 CP one with Blast Burn soars. Top performers share ideal movesets, often Community Day exclusive:

PokemonIdeal Moveset
SwampertHydro Cannon + Earthquake
MetagrossMeteor Mash + Earthquake
SalamenceOutrage + Draco Meteor

While the species‘ maximum CP matters, specialized moves multiply effectiveness. This offloads reliance on CP alone.

IVs – The Hidden Potential

A Pokemon‘s IVs indicate its genetic potential, with higher IVs yielding greater max CP.

  • Perfect IVs = 4/4096 chance
  • So "good" IVs = top appraisal tier

Never power up before evolving! Wait for high IVs as investment is steep.

LevelDust CostCandy CostPower Ups

High IV Pokémon have the potential to outclass at far lower CP – so appraise before transferring!

In Conclusion: Set Sights Beyond CP

While having a baseline CP to crosscheck can help set expectations, genuine effectiveness relies on concealed qualities. Appraise IVs, evolve ideal movesets, analyze matchups – only then will your combatants fulfill their destiny. Powering up complementary support pieces becomes viable when leveraging strengths rather than chasing CP alone!

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