What is the Average DPS in Guild Wars 2?

When discussing average damage per second (DPS) in Guild Wars 2, we must first establish what content we are referring to. The DPS targets can vary greatly between open world, dungeons, fractals, raids, and PvP modes. That said, most players seem to benchmark their DPS on raid golem encounters to quantify their maximum potential.

Defining the "Average" Raider‘s DPS

For the purposes of this discussion, I will define an average DPS number in GW2 as what a reasonably experienced raider can achieve on the golem while making a few minor rotation mistakes.Through researching the latest balance changes and discussing benchmarks with veteran players, I would estimate the current average raider DPS to fall between 15,000 to 18,000.

To arrive at those numbers, I analyzed the latest quantify DPS benchmarks across all elite specializations on the raid golem. The middle 50% of specs fall within that 15k to 18k range when played at an above average but not perfect level.

However, the actual number can vary based on factors like:

  • Class and build played
  • Gear and boon optimization
  • Encounter mechanics and penalties

So while the benchmarks provide a baseline, your mileage may vary in real raid encounters!

Comparing Raid DPS Across Classes and Builds

Here is a comparison of the current maximum raid benchark DPS across core and elite specialization builds, along with what I would consider achievable average numbers:

ClassBuildMax BenchmarkAvg Achievable
GuardianPower DH34.2k22k
RevenantPower RR33.1k20k
RangerPower SB32.4k22k
NecromancerPower Scourge31.2k19k
ThiefPower DE29.3k19k
EngineerPower Holo27.1k16k
ElementalistPower Weaver25.1k15k
MesmerPower Mirage21.2k12k
WarriorPower BS20.3k14k

A few things stand out from this benchmark data:

  • The maximum potential DPS deltas are quite wide, with over 14k separating the top and bottom
  • But when accounting for player skill, the spread is closer to just 10k from top to bottom
  • Elite specs dominate over core class DPS
  • Top tier specs can still bench over 30k in the right hands!

So while the average raider will sit between 15-18k, the ceiling can go much higher for players who perfectly optimize their builds and nail their damage rotations.

Estimating Open World and Fractal DPS

The DPS targets change once you step out of the raid lobby and into more dynamic content. In open world zones, meta events, and mid tier fractals, getting 25 stacks of vulnerability and permanent offensive boons is less realistic.

  • For these situations, I think a reasonable DPS average for experienced players drops to 10-12k depending on your class.

Veteran open world player Jaesun agrees with my assessment:

"In open world group content, I feel like 10-15k DPS is doing well. Anything above that is really good. But you aren‘t going to have perfect buffs or debuffs."

In higher tier fractals, DPS requirements step back towards raids:

  • Tier 3 and below can be cleared efficiently at 10-12k
  • Tier 4 ramps up to 15-18k average requirements
  • 100CM and challenge modes demand 18-22k personal DPS

So fractal DPS really depends on your advancement through the tiers. But the benchmarks from raids can serve as a blueprint until mechanics force you to adjust.

Optimizing Your Raid Encounter DPS

While golem benchmarks provide a baseline, executing your rotation perfectly in the sterile lobby won‘t happen in an actual raid fight. Encounter mechanics, phasing down time, and deaths all eat into DPS uptime.

Top raider Bast the Dragon breaks down encounter DPS nicely in this video. He establishes his personal DPS goals based on performance as follows:

  • Low Encounter DPS: 12-15k
  • Average Encounter DPS: 18-22k
  • Good Encounter DPS: 23-27k
  • Great Encounter DPS: 28-32k+

As you can see, his average encounter DPS target lines up with my 15-18k assessment. And while outliers can still post 30k+ on some bosses, staying in the high teens or low 20s means you are pulling your weight damage wise.

Closing Thoughts on Gw2 DPS

While damage per second is crucial for late game content, don‘t let benchmarking consume you. At some point, incremental personal DPS gains result in low returns for the time investment required. And in more casual content, factors like boon uptimes and crowd control also determine clear speeds.

My advice is to first nail down the basics on the golem. Get comfortable with your opener, learn proper skill prioritization, and practice hitting skill timings. From there, jump into some raid encounters and observe how mechanics impact your uptime. Reflect on areas needing improvement and continue practicing.

Most importantly, focus on enjoying your class and having fun bettering your play! MMO grinding should never feel like actual work. Optimizing your damage is a means to experience more challenging team content, not the ultimate end goal.

So let me conclude by asking: where would you estimate the current average DPS lies in Guild Wars 2? I‘m excited to hear other perspectives from the amazing GW2 community!

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