The average IQ of a 15 year old is 100

According to standardized IQ tests used around the world, the average IQ score for any age group centers around 100. So most 15 year olds will score somewhere close to 100 on an officially administered IQ test.

As a passionate gamer and content creator, I‘m fascinated by metrics like IQ that aim to quantify human intelligence and cognitive ability. Of course, we have to be careful not to put too much stock in any single number. Factors like creativity, emotional intelligence, resilience, curiosity and more also contribute enormously to a person‘s potential.

Still, understanding IQ scores and how they‘re calculated can offer some meaningful insights. So in this post, I‘ll share more context on common IQ ranges, what constitutes a "high" IQ, how scores can change over time, and how 15 year olds tend to score.

IQ score ranges

IQ tests are designed so that the scores form a "normal distribution" also known as a bell curve, with the average score set at 100. Here‘s how some common classifications break down:

  • 85-114: Average intelligence
  • 115-129: Above average or bright
  • 130-144: Moderately gifted
  • 145-159: Highly gifted

So a 15 year old scoring 136 would already be in the "very superior" range compared to peers.

Genius territory often starts around 140 IQ. To put that in perspective, some estimates for famously high-IQ individuals:

  • Albert Einstein: 160 IQ
  • Stephen Hawking: 160 IQ
  • Elon Musk: 155 IQ

But even among the smartest mathematicians, scientists and other specialists in their fields, you‘ll almost never see IQ scores above 200. So claims beyond the 200-225 range should be met with skepticism.

Changes to IQ over time

An individual‘s IQ score is not necessarily fixed for life. Studies show IQ can change gradually over time thanks to factors like:

  • Education
  • Acquiring new knowledge/skills
  • Improved testing abilities
  • Brain development

However, the most rapid IQ gains often happen in childhood as kids soak up new information quickly.

By the teen years, IQ scores tend to stabilize more around the person‘s natural range. Although exceptional circumstances could still lead to jumps up or down.

IQ distribution among 15 year olds

Based on standardized IQ tests, this is roughly how a representative sample of 100 fifteen year olds would score:

IQ Range# of 15 Year OldsLabel
145-1601Highly Gifted
130-1446Moderately Gifted
115-12916Above Average
70-849Below Average

As you can see, about 68% score within the average range, with smaller numbers in the extreme high or low ends.

So while 100 is the median IQ for 15 year olds, there‘s a fair bit of diversity. As discussed earlier, factors like education quality, socioeconomic status, nutrition, testing abilities and more can influence IQ testing outcomes to some degree.

What impacts IQ scores?

There are both genetic and environmental drivers that contribute to IQ.


Twin studies suggest genetics determine 50-80% of measured intelligence. So natural cognitive ability is highly heritable, although expressions can differ significantly between people who share the same genes.

Environmental Factors

Upbringing, education quality, economic status, health/nutrition status, and cultural contexts are all environmental variables that can nurture or hamper individual performance on IQ tests to some extent.


IQ isn‘t everything

While IQ aims to measure certain cognitive skills, we have to remember it‘s an imperfect test that leaves out other extremely important mental attributes.

Some key abilities and qualities not measured by standard IQ include:

  • Creativity
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Artistic talent
  • Music ability
  • Kinesthetic aptitude
  • Leadership
  • Persistence
  • Curiosity
  • Interpersonal skills

So while understanding IQ scores and distributions can be interesting, these tests ultimately only capture a slice of human intelligence and potential. Our uniqueness as individuals comes from the full spectrum of our cognitive and creative capacities combined with our passions, personalities, and purpose.


In summary, the average IQ for any population, including 15 year olds, centers around 100. Genetics and early life environments play a role in shaping IQ testing outcomes over time. Scores can shift gradually, but tend to stabilize in the teen years as environmental influences have already set the trajectory to a large degree.

There are different ranges and labels to classify IQ scores. Ultimately IQ tests try to quantify intelligence, but they leave out many other mental attributes and qualities that contribute enormously to life outcomes.

As gamers and creators, exploring these concepts around human potential can be endlessly fascinating. I hope you found this deep dive into IQ insightful! Let me know if you have any other related topics you would be interested in learning more about.

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