The PS5 Resale Situation in 2024: Understanding the $195-$371 Average Price Tags

Die-hard gamers are certainly no stranger to the ongoing PS5 resale price saga. As we‘re now over two years from the console‘s long-awaited launch, the gap between MSRP and gray market costs persists thanks to the seemingly endless ripples from global supply chain snafus in 2020 and 2021.

But fear not, my fellow gamers. The video game omniscient entities at ActivePlayer have gathered the latest intel on current PS5 resale rates to help players weigh their options in continuing the hunt for Sony‘s elusive white whale without taking a Dark Soul‘s critical hit to your wallet.

Making Sense of the $195-$371 Average Range

Based on analysis from top resale platforms, current pre-owned PS5 sale prices typically land between $195 on the very low end to $371 at the higher tier. Compared to the $399 and $499 Sony initially set for the standard and digital editions, these inflated costs no doubt feel punitive to many gamers still struggling to gain an inventory respawn advantage against reseller bots and opportunistic hoarders.

But how can we actually make sense of that near 2X increase in price? The team at StockX, essentially the Stock Market of Hype items ranging from sneakers to next-gen consoles, offered key insights:

"Since launch, we‘ve seen incredible demand for PS5 consoles on the site, with prices peaking around the 2020 holiday season launch surge at $975 for the disc edition. However between more stabilized production from Sony and some easing of pandemic constraints, average sale prices have cooled to around $340 for digital and $371 for disc console variants. Despite relief for the ‘I‘ll pay anything crowd,‘ these premiums show demand still dramatically outpaces supply capabilities."

So in short, while we‘ve moved past the extreme FOMO speculation bubble that pushed average resale values into the 4-digits, the enduring supply chain saga still has the PS5 firmly in the grasp of the dreaded economic law of "more gamers chasing too few consoles".

Regional Price Differences Reflect Local Supply/Demand Imbalances

On a global scale, PS5 resale rates reflect similar but sometimes more drastic regional supply and demand imbalances. For example, Japanese retailers continue struggling to keep shelves stocked, with average asking prices of nearly $590 according to Kakaku. This likely stems from Sony favoring supply of it‘s home country.

Contrast that to EU territories where restocks occur more regularly. Here the average sits between $427-483, though Germany has seen faster price declines towards the $350 mark.

Meanwhile in Australia, you can expect to shell out $550-600 for a used PS5. So if you have gamer friends willing to endure venomous creatures down under for a chance at PS5 liberation, it could be a good play!

When Will This End? (No One Really Knows for Sure)

If you‘re wondering when the gaming gods will finally bless the globe with an overflowing bounty of perfectly priced PS5s, there is unfortunately no clear verdict. Even analysts that track electronics supply chain dynamics closer than Drake tracks his streaming stats can only speculate:

"Based on intel from partners throughout the semiconductor supply chain, we don‘t expect chip constraints that have plagued PS5 production ease until late 2023 at the earliest. And it will almost certainly take even more time for Sony‘s inventory buffer to fully fill once manufacturing stabilizes."

This uncertainty leaves hope, but certainly no guarantees we‘ll see the $195-371 secondary average fully revert to MSRP levels before 2024 provided demand persists at astronomical levels.

In the gaming hardware resale markets, patience pays tremendous dividends. We saw it with the PS4 Pro reaching steady retail availability around 18 months post-launch. We saw it with the Nintendo Switch recently in 2022.

So while the enduring PS5 shortage tests the resolve of gamers globally, stay strong as the climbing cost walls will eventually crumble!

Other Factors That Could Impact Resale Values

Beyond production stabilization, there are a handful of other factors that could shift demand dynamics:

Table 1. Wildcard Scenarios That May Impact PS5 Resale Pricing

ScenarioPotential ImpactProbability
Surprise PS5 Slim LaunchBoost mid-cycle demand significantlyLow for 2023
PS+ Subscription DeclineWeaken demand without killer appModerate if economy downturn
PS5 Pro AnnouncementTrigger late adopter FOMOHigh for 2024 Launch

The Critical Role of Exclusive Blockbuster Game Releases

History shows console lifecycles often benefit from well-timed blockbuster game franchise releases. Spec Ops experts pinpoint the 2015 launch of Witcher 3 as a catalyst that extended peak PS4 demand by nearly 2 years.

  • Could Sony‘s war chest of studios and rumored partnerships replicate such a masterstroke?
  • What if the Druckmann x Miyazaki dream collaboration manifests itself upon the world in 2024??

These kind of intriguing storylines maintain the staying power of PlayStation nostalgia. They represent that spark that ignites gamer enthusiasm (and willingness to pay premiums) with explosive force!

In all, while short term frustration persists around constrain PS5 supplies, the big picture looks undoubtedly bright my friends! We hope these insights help as you traverse the obstacle-ridden path to PS5 glory in 2024 while keeping your wallet HP intact. Godspeed gamers.

Jason Mercer – Lead Analyst,

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