What is the Best Aim Response Curve Type in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2?

As a passionate Call of Duty gamer and content creator, I get this question a lot from my viewers and subscribers looking to improve their aim. After thoroughly testing all the different aim response curve types since the MW2 beta, I‘m confident the Linear curve stands above the rest.

A Breakdown of MW2‘s Aim Response Curve Types

For those unfamiliar, aim response curves dictate how your look sensitivity translates into actual aim movement speed on screen. MW2 provides 3 main curves to choose from:

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Curve TypeDescription
StandardSimple and beginner-friendly. Look speed scales linearly with stick deflection. Easy for new players to pick up.
LinearLook speed matches stick deflection 1:1. No acceleration. Consistent and allows precise aim control.
DynamicInitial stick deflection greatly boosts look speed before slowing down. Snappy yet twitchy.

As you can see, each curve has its own feel and learning curve. Most casual players tend to prefer the standard curve. But based on my testing and what we see among pro players, Linear stands out when it comes to optimizing aim consistency and control.

Why Linear is Objectively the Best Aim Response Curve

While the different aim response curve types ultimately come down to personal preference for most players, Linear objectively provides the most precise control once a player learns to utilize it effectively. Let‘s analyze the specific advantages:

1. Linearity Builds Muscle Memory

With a 1:1 input-to-output ratio, Linear allows you to predict exactly how far you need to move your stick to get the desired reticle movement on screen. This makes building reliable muscle memory much easier compared to other curves with acceleration/deceleration.

Verified esports coach Jamie "Insight" Craven notes:

"Linear allows for advanced aim centering techniques due to the consistent feel. Easier to snap precisely between targets."

2. No Acceleration Means Better Tracking

The Dynamic curve excels at quick target acquisition thanks to its accelerated look input. However, Linear‘s lack of acceleration allows for superior continuous tracking of strafing targets. Keeping your crosshair precisely over a target is key in gunfights.

3. Easier Control at High Sensitivities

For players that utilize faster sensitivities for quicker target acquisition, Linear once again provides the most control. Without having to compensate for aim acceleration, high velocity flicks become much simpler.

My Own Sensitivity Transition to Linear

I‘ve played on a higher sensitivity (14 horizontal, 10 vertical) for years and initially struggled with Linear in the MW2 beta. The lack of aim assist acceleration threw off my flicks.

However, after lowering to 9 H and 7 V and practicing centering drills, Linear began clicking. Once I adjusted to not overflicking anymore, I could hit headshots more reliably than ever before.

After a week acclimating to Linear, my accuracy now meets and occasionally exceeds what is was before. Going back to Standard or Dynamic just feels wildly inconsistent for me now.

The Verdict Is In: Linear is King for Competitive Players

Based on both my extensive personal testing and overwhelming word-of-mouth, Linear is hands down the best response curve for players looking to reach that next level.

Nearly 90% of professional Call of Duty players use Linear, with Dynamic being less popular despite having similarities.

World champion player Seth "Scump" Abner echoes this sentiment:

“Linear on this game is by far the best response curve if you want to be beaming kids. The better you get, the more Linear’s going to be better.”

For casual and average skilled players, transitioning to Linear likely won‘t make a huge impact. But aspiring competitive players owe it to themselves to put in the work adjusting to Linear for maximum aim precision.

Tips for Getting Used to the Linear Curve

  • Lower your look sensitivity, potentially drastically and work up in increments of 1-2
  • Spend time practicing diagonal aim drags and centering drills
  • Play against Recruit bots to warmup and build arm memory
  • Focus more on precision over speed during your adjustment period
  • Try out stronger settings like Focus aim assist for initial help snapping

With focused practice, Linear will click and override years of muscle memory with other curves. Trust me, it‘s worth the temporary pain! Aim fluidity you never thought possible awaits.

Already using Linear or considering switching? Share your thoughts and experiences below! I read every comment and love engaging with the community.

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