The Best Axes for Domination in Deepwoken

Greetings, fellow dungeon delver! If you‘ve dived into the magical world of Deepwoken, you know finding the right weaponry means the difference between glorious triumph and an unceremonious death. As axe aficionados, we will be going in-depth on Deepwoken‘s most formidable axes on offer in 2024.

Top 3 Overall Axes

I‘ve sliced and diced my way through hordes of enemies, even taking down the dreaded Etrisian Paladin, to definitively say the Enforcers Axe, Evanspear Hand Axe, and Crescent Cleaver will serve you best on live servers right now.

Enforcers Axe

This greataxe hits the hardest per swing at 50 base damage, up to 198 when fully maximized. The charged R move brings enemies to their knees with a crushing overhead blow. Useful for bursting down a single tough opponent quickly.


Slightly less raw damage at 43, but applies very potent bleed on every hit. Excellent for crowd control and wearing down epic bosses. Plus stylish!

Crescent Cleaver

Another bleed-focused axe with 45 base damage and even higher strength scaling. Some claim the moveset and reach to be superior to Evanspear. Why not collect them both?

While weapons like the Relic Axe and Enforcer‘s Axe have their niche uses, these three have emerged as PvE meta in the current state of Deepwoken. Let‘s explore why…

Delving Into the Details

I‘ve compiled some key stats below to showcase what exactly gives our top 3 axes the edge. We will also break down combat viability in different scenarios.

AxeBase DamageBleedScalingNotes
Enforcers50NoAHuge charged R damage
Evanspear43YesBQuick attacks proc bleed rapidly
CrescentCleaver45YesASlightly slower but higher bleed damage

As you can see, Enforcers Axe gives up bleed effects for the highest damage potential, while the Evanspear and Crescent Cleaver excel at stacking bleeding debuffs quickly. This influences their ideal playstyles:

Enforcers: Burst damage, crit fishing

Evanspear: Rapid bleed procs and kiting

Crescent Cleaver: Patient combos and charged attacks

Now let‘s see how these strengths align for common PvE scenarios:

Clearing Trash Mobs

When fighting groups of lower HP mobs, Evanspear and Crescent Cleaver will allow you to tag enemies rapidly with bleed before kiting safely. Enforcers can work but exposes you to more danger being close range.

Elite/Boss Hunting

The raw damage of Enforcers combined with Strength boosts can potentially one or two shot non-boss elites. Otherwise, the bleed stackers are superior as kiting is harder on bosses and bleed chips away health.


For general farming and collection quests, Evanspear tends to be the easiest to wield efficiently thanks to quick slash combos, letting you tag multiple targets. The AoE charged R on all three makes harvesting nodes simple too.

As you can see, while Enforcers holds the damage crown, Evanspear and Crescent have become PvE favorites due to steady DPS through bleed, safer fighting range, and quicker farming. Plus who doesn‘t love coating enemies in a potently lethal crimson?

Now let‘s get into some key tips for acquiring and unleashing these puppies…

Where To Obtain

While randomized loot drops grant a slim chance at top-tier axes, your reliable bet is to farm up 8,500 gold coins per axe.

Evanspear: Sold by Greathive Weaponsmith

Crescent Cleaver: Sold by Isle of Vigil Innkeeper

Enforcers Axe: Sold by Etrisian Paladin

I‘d recommend the Enforcers as your first big purchase since it unlocks that mammoth base damage. Then flesh out your arsenal with Evanspear and Crescent.

Do estimation quests, slaughter Shermy No-Eyes, loot chests, and sell spare weapon drops early on to start building up funds. It still takes dedication, but acquiring all three best-in-class axes is very achievable!

Combat Tips

Once you have your coveted axe in hand, it‘s time to start studding baddies with scars. Here are some key combat tips:

Master charged R timing

The charged R special attack on axes hits extremely hard. Learn the timing through muscle memory for big damage.

Bleed stacking

When using Evanspear and Crescent, quickly tag enemies with bleed then keep your distance for maximum DPS as they succumb to blood loss.

Leverage AoE

All three axes allow wide swings to damage groups. Plus the R can hit multiple close targets. Ideal for clusters.

Boost Strength

Invest Spirit Shards into Strength at Renala to further boost your weapon damage and bleed ticks.

And there you have it – everything you need to start dominating with Deepwoken‘s premiere axes. We covered the ideal trio right now, detailed stats and comparisons, purchasing info, and combat strategies to have you chopping down Shermys at light speed. I look forward to catching your axe showcase videos!

Your partner in axe crime,
[Your name]

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