What is the best career for solo GTA Online?

Based on profitability, enjoyment, and ease of missions, I recommend the Executive CEO special cargo business as the best solo career in GTA Online as of 2023. With potential profits ranging from $200k-$500k per hour and straightforward missions, being a CEO offers the perfect mix of money making and fun gameplay for lone wolves.

In-Depth Analysis of Top Solo GTA Careers

Let‘s take a deeper look at some of the best careers and money making methods for solo players:

1. Executive CEO

As a CEO you can purchase warehouses to store and eventually sell special cargo for profits. Prices range from $250k for a small warehouse up to $4.7M for the largest. While the missions to acquire the crates can be repetitive, they offer nice change of pace from the usual chaos and can be quite enjoyable.

According to player-tracked data, solo CEOs can reliably earn between $200k to $500k per hour by filling up 5 large warehouses with 3 crates each and selling when prices peak. That outpaces most other businesses.

While some missions like multiple vehicle sales may seem daunting solo, there are workarounds to make them manageable without needing years of gamer reflexes! For example, you can just destroy all but 1 vehicle and take the small loss to complete the sale.

2. Gunrunning Bunker

Purchasing a bunker and upgrading it fully allows your weapons business to produce stock passively over time that can be sold for big profits. Given you only need to buy supplies and occasionally sell, the bunker is extremely solo friendly.

The below table outlines approximate profits per hour from a fully upgraded bunker:

Sale AmountApprox. ProfitHours to Produce$ / Hour

With potential solo earnings of $65k per inactive hour, a bunker generates great passive income to complement active money making like CEO work.

3. Vehicle Warehouse

One of my personal favorite solo money makers is owning a vehicle warehouse to source and sell high-end cars. Not only are the missions relatively easy and enjoyable, the high-end vehicle sales offer big $80k+ payouts.

I recommend only keeping high-range cars stored in the warehouse, as you still have to put in time sourcing lower-end vehicles otherwise. For high-end only, potential profits exceed $240k per hour sourcing and selling top-range models based on 15 minute source mission and 5 minute sale turnover time. Pretty slick for car lovers!

4. Arcades

GTA Online Arcades allow solo players to take on the extremely profitable Diamond Casino heist. With potential take ranging from $1.5 million on average up to $2.8 million for elite players on hard difficulty, it offers the highest active income ceiling.

The main downsides are the heist has a significant learning curve and mandatory 48 minute cooldown between attempts. For skilled gamers able to consistently clear $2 million+ on hard mode, the arcade owner career delivers close to $1.5 million per 60 minutes. That tops the income potential in all other solo careers.

Other Great Solo Money Makers

In addition to core criminal careers, solo players have plenty other options to earn piles of GTA cash:

  • Payphone Hits – Quick assassinations paying $85k each
  • Exotic Exports – Easy $20k+ for selling Simeon‘s requested cars
  • Ms. Baker Contracts – Fun missions for solid $30-$50k payouts
  • Flight School – $18k per course and unlocks lucrative premium deliveries
  • Taxi Missions – Roleplay serving Night City passengers for $5-10k tips
  • Race Series – $3-8k for short point to point sprints

And if you get bored or frustrated, there is no shame retiring early in a own super yacht! 😎🛥️🚤

Final Verdict on Best Solo GTA Online Career

While options like vehicle warehouses and the Casino heist offer great gameplay and income, I believe being a CEO special cargo mogul is the best overall criminal career choice for lone GTA Online players as of 2023 and into the future.

With potential profits of half million dollars per hour, solid passive income from a bunker to combine, extremely straightforward missions adaptable to any playstyle, and significant enjoyment running your own business – becoming an Executive CEO leaves little to be desired for friendless gamers. 💼

What do you think – what solo career pays and plays best in your experience? I‘m always looking to optimize my playtime and income per hour without wanting to pull my hair out from frustration! Let me know which path you recommend chasing as a solo player journeying through GTA Online in 2024!

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