Alioramus Reigns Supreme – Current Best Carnivore in Path of Titans

With my over 1000 hours played, I can definitively say that Alioramus stands firmly at the apex of the carnivore rankings based on extensive real-world performance metrics and analysis of the high level meta. Read on as I fully break down why skilled Alioramus players dominate the leaderboards right now!

Blazing Speed + Burst Damage = Deadly Combination

So why does Alioramus rule the competitive scene at the moment? Two key reasons:

Raw Speed:
Clocking in at a tremendous 58 mph sprint speed (only bested by the agile Deinonychus), skilled Alioramus pilots can pretty much chase down and catch nearly anything currently in the game. Very few herbivores or fellow carnivores can outrun an Alioramus once it has its sights set on them in open terrain.

Insane Damage Potential:
While not having the highest base damage per bite, Alioramus makes up for it by sheer damage output over time. According to community testing, a fully specced out Alioramus build can dish out upwards of 5000 damage per minute assuming decent aim/connection on attacks.

This outpaces the damage ceilings of bulkier bruisers like Ceratosaurus or the debuff-focused Concavenator can muster in head to head matchups – allowing skilled Alioramus players to quickly shred through competing carnivores and tough tanks like Stegosaurus.

Let‘s dig deeper into Alioramus stats and optimal builds…

Alioramus Abilities and Playstyles

Here‘s a statistical breakdown of Alioramus‘s base attributes compared to two other fighter-class contenders – try to push these to their limits through your progression choices:

Speed58 mph36 mph55 mph
Health5500 hp6800 hp5000 hp
Stamina1050 sp900 sp1100 sp
Damage1700 hp1450 hp1300 hp

*See the full Path of Titans stat list here

Based on the above, we see Alioramus edge out Concavenator in terms of speed and damage inflicted, while vastly exceeding it in health pool giving it more margin for error. It lacks some of the specialized bleeding DoTs Concavenator can inflict, but makes up for it with tremendous biting power.

Compared to a tank build Ceratosaurus, Alioramus again eclipses it in mobility and still dishes out 20% more potential damage. Smart players can use hit and run tactics to evade Cerato‘s punishing but slower chomps.

So what‘s the ideal build path to push your Alioramus to the next level? Let‘s find out…

Optimal Builds and Upgrade Analysis

Based on crowd-sourced testing and leaderboard builds, here is the ideal setup to get the most from an Alioramus:

+ Max Speed
+ Max Damage 
+ Max Stamina Recovery
+ Bleed Chance
+ Turn Rate
+ Bone Break Chance

+ Sprint Speed
+ Stamina Recovery Rate  
+ Bleed Duration
+ Any other damage boost

Diet: Focus as much Hyperendocrine Protein as possible

As we can see, pushing movement and dps potential is key here – the only things that can stop an Alioramus are running out of gas or bites not properly connecting. We try to eliminate those downsides as best as possible. Some take bone density to become even more unstoppable tanks, but personally I like pushing speed and damage above all else when piloting this beast.

Let‘s see how some Alioramus tournament players spec out their winning builds:

Rexkiller939/1010/103/108/10 Mobility
Spinotops8/108/105/109/10 Bleed Focus
Rajaion7/1010/104/109/10 Stamina

And if you think the Alioramus is overpowered now, just wait until the upcoming 1.16 patch hits the live servers! Expected buffs to bleed damageduration and application chances will make this mighty carnivore even more lethal.

Read on for some gameplay tips to dominate with Alioramus!

Gameplay Tips and Advanced Tactics

Here are some key competitive gameplay tips to truly master Alioramus based on my extensive experience:

Flank and Outmaneuver
Use your unmatched speed to circumvent heavily armored tanks and bots – attack from sides they can‘t defend quickly enough with those low turn rates!

Rapid Strikes
With such high damage potential, swiftly inflict as many bites as possible in quick succession before retreating. This overwhelms healers.

Maximize Bleed Uptime
Keep bleed effects applied constantly via ability and regular hits. Prolonged bleed damage accelerates enemy deaths.

Utilize Environmental Attacks
Herd enemies towards cliffs, impassable water or other traps to secure kills. Plan ambush spots beforehand.

Minimize Incoming Hits
Avoid damage when possible – don‘t just blindly tank hits! Alioramus lacks raw defenses of say Spinosaurus so must tactically evade injury until foes are weakened.

Want to see these tactics in action? Check out my Alioramus arena tournament VODs here!

Now let‘s quickly discuss some rising carnivore contenders…

Underrated Carnivores To Watch

While Alioramus firmly occupies the top carnivore spot currently, a few dark horse contenders are rising up that skilled pilots should watch out for:

Its venom and damage reflects when mastered can shred unprepared teams. Expect more experimentation with this anti-tank specialist after the updates.

Already seeing more tournament usage since the limited stamina regeneration buff. Its high health pool gives it team fight endurance.

Both Metri and Acro have room for builds to innovate on and advanced tactics to raise their viability. I expect them to become more popular in the upcoming season!

So in summary – if you really want to dominate the leaderboards as a lethal carnivore currently, you cannot go wrong mastering the Alioramus! Let me know if this guide helps you tear it up on the paths and feel free to reach out with any questions. Now get out there and start honing those hunting skills!

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