Moze is the Undisputed Solo Queen in Base Game Borderlands 3

After extensive testing across all vault hunters using only base game gear, Moze the Gunner stands tall as the undisputed solo queen in a no DLC playthrough. Thanks to game-changing improvements to Iron Bear and her skill trees, Moze obliterates all enemies and content with ease while lacking any major weaknesses. For solo players without DLC gear, Moze is absolutely the way to go.

Moze Dominates With Iron Bear and Sustain

Moze backs up her claim for best base game vault hunter with an unbeatable combination of Iron Bear‘s raw damage and her own sustainability. Let‘s break down the key factors propelling Moze to the top spot:

Iron Bear Melts Flesh and Steel Alike

Iron Bear went from situational support tool to outright delete button in recent patches. Some key upgrades cementing Iron Bear‘s solo power:

  • Iron Bear weapons buffed by 550% damage
  • New Bear Mother tree adds massive offensive and defensive bonuses
  • Can equip 2 of the same overpowered weapons like Railguns or Nukes

Base game includes hard hitting armaments like the Vanquisher Rocket Pod or Molten Torrent minigun that can chew through enemy health bars in seconds. IB also draws enemy aggro while dishing pain, keeping Moze safe.

With a Raging Bear or Bear Mother build, jumping into IB provides both ludicrous damage and vital survivability – perfect for no DLC solo play.

Moze Has the Sustain and Gun Damage to Back It Up

While Iron Bear does the heavy lifting, Moze provides plenty of firepower herself thanks to insane gun damage and sustain skills.

Gun damage boosts from skills like Drowning in Brass, Phalanx Doctrine, and Forge stack multiplicatively to almost triple weapon damage. No other Vault Hunter can get such sheer power out of base game gear.

For survival, Moze heals off explosions with Vampyr along with Shield of Retribution‘s numerous shield restore skills. And if health gets low, just hop into IB!

With great firepower and near invincibility between IB and shield restoring skills, Moze simply cannot be stopped with base game gear.

Zane Offers Speed and Versatility

For vault hunters seeking a more gun-focused playstyle along with rapid mobility, Zane Flynt fills that niche incredibly well without DLC gear. Courtesy of recent buffs and a unique skillset, Zane remains a great second choice…

Details on Zane‘s skill trees and viable builds

Amara and FL4K Bring Up the Rear

While absolutely still solo capable in the right hands, Siren Amara and Beastmaster FL4K lag behind Moze and Zane for no DLC viability. Without powerful class mods from DLCs, they rely more on having strong gear which requires grinding…

Assess Amara and FL4K‘s solo skills and damage viability without DLC gear

Summary of key points and final recommendation of Moze for solo no DLC players

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