The Best Character for One-Handed Builds in Skyrim

As an avid Skyrim player with over 300 hours under my belt, I‘ve experimented extensively with one-handed weapon builds across every race. And in my experience, the Redguard stands supreme when it comes to maximizing one-handed damage output. Their starting racial bonuses grant immediate advantages, while their constant stamina regeneration enables a relentless assault against every foe in Tamriel.

Redguard Racial Abilities – Built for Blade Mastery

Let‘s analyze the innate racial abilities of the Redguard that make them so effective with one-handed weapons in Skyrim:

One-Handed Mastery – Redguards begin with a +10 skill bonus to One-Handed, the highest initial bonus of any race. This allows them to hit harder per strike immediately.

Adrenaline Rush – This power refills stamina rapidly for 60 seconds, allowing endless power attacks and sprints. One of the most useful combat abilities in the game.

Resist Poison & Disease – Immunity to debilitating effects that can cripple warriors, meaning Redguards can outlast nearly any foe.

These bonuses perfectly complement a swift and deadly swordmaster looking to cut down enemies quickly through melee combat. The stamina regeneration enables spamming power attacks, while their disease/poison resistance allows them to shake off crippling effects from powerful enemies like Falmer, Chaurus, Serpents, and more.

Perk Spread for One-Handed Redguards

When leveling a Redguard, I suggest prioritizing One-Handed perks, with secondary investments into Light Armor, Smithing, and Enchanting. This offers an optimal blend of damage and survivability.

One-Handed Tree

Armsman (5/5) – Increasing sword/mace/axe damage directly improves DPS. Essential perks.

Fighting Stance – Boost to power attack damage synergizes extremely well with Adrenaline Rush.

Critical Charge – Gap closing power attack enables swift ambushes.

Savage Strike – Performing critical charge then striking with a standing power attack melts most enemies.

Light Armor Tree

Agile Defender (5/5) – Maximize armor while retaining Redguard mobility.

Wind Walker – Stamina regen boost pads slim armor weakness.

Matching Set – 25% armor bonus for wearing all light pieces.

Smithing Tree

Steel Smithing (1/5) through Daedric Smithing (1/1). Improving gear at grindstones increases base damage/armor.

Enchanting Tree

Enchanter (5/5), Insightful Enchanter, & Corpus Enchanter – Fortify One-Handed and Stamina enchants push damage into overdrive.

Weapons & Apparel for the One-Handed Redguard

While most one-handed weapons can be made deadly in the hands of a Redguard, I‘ve highlighted some of my favorites below:


  • Daedric/Dragonbone Sword – Highest base damage one-handed weapons
  • Miraak‘s Sword – Unique 16 damage, Absorbs 15 Stamina
  • Windshear – Unique Scimitar, Chance to stagger lock enemies
  • Blade of Woe – Classic assassin dagger with stealth damage boost


  • Deathbrand Armor – Light armor set with One-Handed boosting enchantments
  • Nightingale Armor – Stylish light armor with frost/stamina regeneration
  • Custom Enchanted Ring/Necklace – Fortify One-Handed, Fortify Stamina

I also strongly recommend keeping a shield equipped in the off-hand and swapping between dual wielding situationaly. Block‘s damage mitigation creates synergy with the Redguard‘s light armor focused build.

Comparing One-Handed Weapons

While swords have the advantage of speed, maces offer armor piercing and war axes bring raw damage. I‘ve compared max values for each weapon class below:

Weapon TypeBase DamageSpeed RatingNotes
Dragonbone Sword151Fastest, cannot be enchanted
Daedric Mace160.9Ignores 75% armor
Daedric War Axe170.8High base power attack

So while maces and war axes hit harder on paper, the quickness of swords better complements the Redguard‘s swift combat style. And Daedric weaponry outperforms Dragonbone thanks to powerful enchantments like Fiery Soul Trap or Chaos Damage.

Playing as a Redguard Swordmaster

My preferred playstyle with a one-handed Redguard is specializing in Blades training with sword-and-shield combat. I focus on closing gaps with Critical Charge then striking with standing power attacks augmented by Savage Strike. Adrenaline Rush enables endless sustained assaults while Resist Poison allows me to shrug off venoms. I lean into Light Armor for protection without sacrificing mobility. And I enchant my sword and shield with Absorb Health/Stamina for draining my enemies while empowering myself. Against spellcasters, my shield reflects magic while I sever their limbs and torsos with gory decapitations.

Against more agile opponents, I sheathe my shield and dual wield swords for twice the slashing fury. The Whirlwind Sprint shout synergizes beautifully, dashing between adversaries while shredding them to ribbons. And against hulking giants or colossal Dragons, I utilize the Marked for Death shout to weaken them before fearlessly climbing atop their forms and driving my swords into their skulls where their defenses are weakest. Through my hundreds of hours of gameplay, no other race has achieved such mastery of one-handed combat than the Redguard in my eyes. Their racial traits seem almost catered to sword domination!

Parting Tips for Fellow Redguard Swordmasters

Before concluding this deep dive guide into maximizing one-handed combat through the Redguard, I want to leave fellow weapon masters with some final tips:

  • Favor swords over maces/axes for speed. The difference in damage is negligible.
  • Swap between dual wielding and using a shield reactively.
  • Abuse Alchemy for fortifying One-Handed damage and resistances even further.
  • Collect every Unique sword with special enchantments/powers.
  • Slow Time shout extends window to land killing blows dramatically.
  • Level Smithing/Enchanting together to steadily amplify your weapons and armor.

If you found this guide helpful in your journey to become the ultimate swordmaster across the frigid peaks of Skyrim, let me know! I may cover more advanced builds for battlemages and spellswords in the future. But for now, enjoy unleashing a whirlwind of Redguard steel upon the throat of every Draugr, Bandit and Falmer that stands in your way.

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