What is the best charm for Grim Matchstick?

As a passionate Cuphead fan on a quest to defeat every boss, I‘ve had my fair share of rage-inducing moments with Grim Matchstick. He‘s considered one of the toughest bosses for good reason. His intense fire attacks put your dodging and damage output capabilities to the test.

The Essential Extra Heart Charm

When taking on this fiery foe, the Extra Heart charm is highly recommended above all others. Having that extra hit point can mean the difference between success or failure, especially in his final chaotic phase. You‘ll need all the help you can get to survive his onslaught of fire pillars, expanding rings, and chasing fireballs.

Supplementary Charms

While the Extra Heart should be your foundation, supplementary charms can also prove useful:

  • Smoke Bomb – This charm allows you to dash through attacks without taking damage during the burst. Useful for avoiding Grim‘s widespread fireball attack and darting through the falling fire pillars in phase 2.
  • Coffee – Coffee provides a speed and strength boost for dishing out more pain. You‘ll need to maximize damage output whenever there‘s an opening.
  • P. Sugar – Increases damage substantially. Combined with Coffee, you‘ll be a damage dealing machine.
  • Whetstone – Extends weapon range allowing you to hit Grim more easily as he flies around.

Attack Patterns and Positioning

No charm can help if you don‘t learn Grim‘s attack patterns and move intelligently. Here are some key tips:

  • In phase 1, focus only on avoiding his widespread arc fireball attack and descending dive bombs. Only attack after his dive when he‘s recovering.
  • Phase 2 brings falling fire pillars. Keep moving horizontally back and forth while avoiding the pink fireball bursts he shoots.
  • Phase 3 is intense. Try to weave through the chasing fireballs and quickly move left or right when he does his spinning fire pillars attack.

Getting through this gauntlet relies on patience, persistently learning from mistakes, and having the right charms to give yourself an advantage against his overwhelming attacks.

While the Extra Heart is the essential charm, experiment with Coffee, P. Sugar, Smoke Bomb, and other options to find just the right loadout. Combine that with understanding his patterns, and victory will come. That sweet feeling of finally toppling this dragon will make all your effort worthwhile!

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