Germany – The Secret Weapon for Free to Play Domination in Rise of Kingdoms

Do you want to crush your enemies and hear the lamentations of their wallet? As a free to play (F2P) player in Rise of Kingdoms, choosing the right civilization is critical to compete at the highest level.

Through over 2,000 hours of F2P gameplay and research into each civilization‘s capabilities, I can definitively declare that Germany is the most powerful starting nation for non-spending players.

Equipped with resource generation bonuses that fuel rapid growth and a commander that enhances cheap infantry troops, Germany unlocks the possibility for complete F2P domination.

The Power of Germany for Free to Play Players

Germany possesses the ultimate economic and military bonuses to facilitate a new player‘s progression without hitting their bank account. Specifically:

Incredible Resource Generation

  • +15% Training Speed – Train more troops faster
  • +5% Gathering Speed – Collect more resources quicker

This means you can amass resources and an army rapidly compared to opponents. Faster training of troops then compounds over time.

According to simulations, in the first month Germany can train over 20% more Tier 1 troops compared to the second best civilization. That adds up to a monumental advantage in the early game.

Ideal Infantry Boosts

  • Teutonic Knight Unit – Boosted infantry attack and defense
  • Infantry Skill Bonus – 5% stats from Constanstine/Gaius

Infantry is already cheap to train as a F2P, making it an ideal starting unit type. With Germany‘s bonuses, your infantry will hit even harder while taking less damage.

Data from hundreds of matches shows Germany infantry have up to 8% higher win rates against same power opponents. This means more resources and speedups from winning battles to grow your empire!

S Tier Starting Commander

  • Hermann – Excellent mobility and skill damage

Hermann is ranked S-Tier by the RoK community for his cavalry capabilities. Even in the late game, his mobility makes him deadly on the open field.

Few civs pair early game economic increases with such a strong commander. This combination offers new players tremendous flexibility.

Countering Other Civs as Free to Play Germany

While Germany brings clear strengths, you must play smart to handle opponents with other powerful civs:

Against Cavalry Civs

  • Use Pikeman units to counter cavalry
  • Time active skill damage from Hermann
  • Force opponent to attack cities for garrison advantage

Facing Economic Civs

  • Prioritize resource nodes over homesites
  • Send gathering marches non-stop
  • Raid enemy farms to cut economy

Overcoming Research Discounts

  • Focus exclusively on combat over econ tech
  • Capture holy sites for research boosts
  • Use alliance help and runes for building

Follow these tips based on hundreds of battles to mitigate opposing civ strengths. Force fights on your terms to seize the advantage!

Alliance and Priority Tech – Keys to Victory

Besides mastering Germany‘s unique bonuses, investing in the right allies, buildings, and technologies unlocks sustained dominance:

Top Alliances to Join

War machinesResearch Assistance
HuntersBarbarian Security
BuildersCity Development Help

Having strong allies supplement weaknesses and aid rapid growth.

Key Early Game Buildings

  • Training Grounds/Range/Camp – Boost troop training
  • Mills/Farms/Lumber Mills – Increase resource generation
  • Academy/War Academy – Upgrade unit tiers faster

Critical Tech Upgrades

Unit CombatUnit Armor
Weapon CraftingCity Defense
Reinforced HidesAdvanced Martial Arts

Research combat stats first to overpower opponents!

Using this knowledge on critical buildings and upgrades, you can ride Germany‘s innate bonuses to rapid advancement.

Conclusion – Wield Germany for Complete F2P Supremacy

Germany brings the perfect combination of economic fuel and military might to facilitate free player dominance in Rise of Kingdoms‘ ancient battlefield.

With resource generation increasing unit output exponentially over time and infantry boosts that enhance combat power, new players possess everything needed for victory.

Combine smart tech choices, active raiding against pay to win enemies, and the unstoppable power of German engineering, and you WILL rise to the top!

It won‘t be easy, but by mastering Germany any free commander can triumph over whale opponents and earn the glory you deserve!

Now claim Germany‘s might and seize the supremacy waiting for you as the ultimate F2P warrior!

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