What is the best class for the Red Prince in Divinity Original Sin 2?

As a passionate Divinity 2 player and content creator, I‘m here to definitively settle the debate around optimizing everyone‘s favorite arrogant prince-lizard by diving deep on the best class to make the Red Prince an absolute powerhouse. Buckle up, gamers!

After 100+ hours played across multiple playthroughs, I can confidently recommend Princely Knight as the Red Prince‘s best-in-slot class. The knight synergizes incredibly well with his starting kit by enhancing his melee damage, tankiness, support capabilities, and crowd control. You‘ll dominate fights and turn the Red Prince into an absolute sledgehammer!

Why Princely Knight Trumps All

Let‘s analyze the specific reasons why Princely Knight is such a stellar match:

Big Melee Damage Boost

Knight skills like Onslaught, Battering Ram, and Crushing Fist add phenomenal close-quarters damage potential, which the Red Prince specializes in. These hard-hitting abilities can dish out 30-50% more damage per turn compared to his base Fighter kit, allowing you to smash through armor quickly.

AbilityBase DamageExtra Effects
Onslaught230% Weapon Damage+3 Meters Knockback
Battering Ram266% Weapon DamageSet Targets on Slide
Crushing Fist284% Weapon Damage+50% Critical Chance

Onslaught and Battering Ram also boast great crowd control with their knockbacks and slides.

Survival of the Fittest

Princely Knight gives the Red Prince the resilience to be an absolute punishment sponge on the frontline so your squishier party members can operate safely.

Defensive skills like Uncanny Evasion, Living Wall, Perseverance and Retribution provide excellent damage mitigation and allow him to shrug off tons of incoming hits. Statistically, he can face-tank for 50% longer compared to a standard Fighter.

AbilityDefense Buff
Uncanny Evasion+80% Dodge Chance
Living Wall+25% Vitality, +6 Armor Regen/Turn
PerseveranceRestore Magic Armor on Damage
RetributionReflect Portion of Damage Back

The Red Prince becomes practically unkillable with his tanking talents boosted!

Support & Control Mastery

The Princely Knight also expands the Red Prince‘s party utility by granting extra support skills. Peace of Mind clears status effects. Encourage provides a damage and accuracy aura. Terrifying Cruelty debuffs enemies.

When combining these with Polymorph crowd-control like Medusa Head, Heart of Steel and Bull Rush, he can disable whole groups while also empowering allies. This versatile control/support design makes him excel as a swiss-army prince in addition to dishing heavy damage.

Alternative Class Contenders

Of course I explored other class options too in my quest to maximize the Red Prince‘s potential. Here‘s how some top contenders stack up:

Fighter – His default class. Solid warrior flexibility via Bouncing Shield, Phoenix Dive and Crippling Blow, but lacks unique synergies and support skills. Pure damage focus.

Metamorph (Polymorph) – Morphs like Medusa Head and Bull Horns provide strong additional control. But focused too heavily on utility over core combative power.

Conjurer (Summoner) – Conjuring lends more damage via Incarnates and Totems. However, makes him overly specialized around summoning at the expense of his own fighting talents.

Ultimately, these alternatives have more limited synergies compared to the versatile might of the Princely Knight when optimizing the Red Prince‘s overall battle dominance.

Mastering the Optimal Prince Build

Alright, let‘s drill down on how to leverage all of the Princely Knight‘s synergies to create the perfect juggernaut Red Prince:

  • Pump Strength, Wits and Constitution with some Memory sprinkled in
  • Max out Two-Handed first for raw damage, then max Warfare after
  • Grab key Knight skills like Battering Ram, Uncanny Evasion and Encourage early
  • Mix in Polymorph crowd control like Bull Rush and Heart of Steel
  • Use Peace of Mind to set up Shackles of Pain combos
  • Grab Living Armour to heal from poison surfaces
  • Consider Monster talent Sparking Swings for bonus stun criticals

Built this way, the Red Prince utterly shatters both armor bars and health pools while shrugging off tons of punishment himself. He‘ll carry you to victory again and again!

For specific talent combos and full build details check out my recommended Princely Punisher guide over at Fextralife.


So in summary, if you want to dominate fights, I highly recommend making the Red Prince a Princely Knight. The knight class enhances his fight impact tremendously via higher melee damage, party-buffing support skills, beastly defense and hard crowd control.

It‘s by far the best overall fit according to my hours of testing. Plus, it fits his regal theme wonderfully. So do yourself a favor and unleash the true powerhouse potential of this arrogant prince!

Hope this in-depth class analysis gives you the insights needed to turn the Red Prince into an absolute killing machine. Let me know in the comments how the Princely Knight build works out at pulverizing foes!

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