What is the Best Class in Mass Effect 2? An In-Depth Guide

As a hardcore Mass Effect fan whose completed the trilogy over 5 times, I get asked a lot about what the definitive "best" class is for tackling these epic sci-fi RPGs. So let‘s settle the debate once and for all shall we?

In Mass Effect 2 specifically, I believe the Infiltrator stands above the rest as the most versatile and effective class across all types of playstyles. Combining deadly combat abilities with tactical sabotage powers gives you exceptional damage potential while still retaining flexibility.

In this extensive guide, I‘ll break down exactly why Infiltrator is so powerful compared to all other classes in ME2. I‘ll also provide actionable tips, optimal builds, squad combos and advanced tactics to maximize your lethality. Let‘s get started!

Why Infiltrator is the Best ME2 Class

The Infiltrator epitomizes the saying "the best defense is a good offense." While other classes may focus more on protection or biotic support powers, the Infiltrator is all about swiftly neutralizing any threats with deadly efficiency.

Here are the key advantages Infiltrator has over any other class:

Unrivaled Damage Potential

The ability to wield the strongest sniper rifles combined with bonuses to weapon damage gives the Infiltrator unmatched damage potential from afar. A properly spec‘d widow or mantis sniper rifle delivers devastating headshots capable of one-shotting all but the toughest enemies on Insanity.

The Tactical Cloak damage bonus further amplifies the incredible firepower. An Infiltrator dropping out of cloak to deliver that enhanced first shot is a terrifying sight for any enemy.

Tactical Adaptability

Infiltrators have tools for every situation. Struggling against biotic enemies? Use AI Hacking to turn them against each other. Need to take down krogan regeneration? Incinerate stops health regen. Overwhelmed by geth drones? Overload destroys synthetics with ease.

With both tech and combat focused abilities, an Infiltrator can counter any enemy type or defense. Combine this versatility with Tactical Cloak to reposition for flanking shots, and you have amazing adaptability.

Squad Power Multiplier

While the Infiltrator themselves brings exceptional damage, they truly shine when enabling combo detonations with squad mates. After using Tactical Cloak and Overload to strip shields and barriers, a combo from Miranda or Thane can inflict massive bonus damage.

Capitalizing on these tech explosion, biotic explosion and cryo explosion combinations is what makes the Infiltrator so devastating. The class has all the tools to set up kills for the squad.

New Player Friendliness

Despite the high damage potential, the Infiltrator still remains straightforward and forgiving enough for new players compared to adepts or engineers. You don‘t need to master combo detonations right away. Just leverage your powerful sniper shots while learning the other systems.

As you better understand squad combos, enemy weaknesses, and power combinations, an Infiltrator becomes a force of nature. But it has a gentler early game learning curve than most classes.

Insanity Viability

A well spec‘d Infiltrator absolutely decimates enemies even on max difficulty Insanity, widely regarded as the definitive ME2 playthrough. In fact, the Infiltrator‘s ability to secure early kills and control the battlefield is almost essential against the ultra aggressive Insanity AI.

Between Cloak, Disruptor Ammo to negate shields, and Tech/Biotic squad members to enable explosions, you have all the tools to overcome Insanity‘s rigorous challenges. Both speed and firepower define the Infiltrator experience.

Now let‘s compare the Infiltrator against other popular ME2 classes…

Infiltrator vs Other Classes

To further showcase the Infiltrator‘s standout qualities, here is a comparison across some key metrics against the other 5 classes:

ClassDamageSurvivabilityPower VersatilitySquad Combo PotentialNew Player FriendlyInsanity ViabilityTotal Score

As we can see, the Infiltrator stands at the top with extremely high marks in the most crucial categories for succeeding across all types of gameplay:

  • Damage – Unmatched sniper rifle potential
  • Power Versatility – Ideal abilities to counter any enemy type
  • Squad Combos – Sets up tech/biotic explosions better than anyone
  • Insanity Viability – Essential survivability and damage control abilities

The only area where Infiltrators falls a bit short is raw survivability. But their strength and flexibility is more than enough to offset this small weakness.

Now let‘s get into some actionable recommendations and advanced tactics for mastering the Infiltrator gameplay style…

Playing As An Infiltrator – Tips & Tactics

Here I‘ll provide specialized advice for prospective Infiltrators – everything from optimizing your build, squad selection advice and ability usage tactics.

Character Build Tips

Carefully choosing your talent points is crucial to amplifying your strengths as an Infiltrator. Here‘s the specializations I recommend:

  • Sniper Rifle Damage (9 points) – Max this out ASAP for extreme sniper damage
  • Tactical Cloak (9 points) – Longer cloak duration for getting in position and landing shots after decloaking.
  • Disruptor Ammo (6 points) – Essential against shielded enemies, combos with Energy Drain
  • Operational Mastery (3 points) – Faster cooldowns to cloak and use abilities more often.

Optional picks depending on preferences:

  • Incinerate – Great against armor and stopping health regeneration
  • AI Hacking – Situationally useful for turning enemies temporarily

Make sure to bring squad members that can detonate combos off your abilities like Miranda or Thane.

Squad Combinations

The right squad pairing can really capitalize on Infiltrator abilities via combo detonations. Here are my top squad recommendations:

  • Miranda – Her Warp and Overload complement Overload and Incinerate beautifully.
  • Thane – Warp Ammo and Pull set up easy biotic explosions.
  • Garrus – Similar playstyle, great synergy with Disruptor Ammo.
  • Kasumi – Solid damage dealer, Flashbang Grenade priming.

I‘d normally bring one of the first two squad members to enable maximum tech/biotic explosions.

Key Combat Tactics

Here are some key ability usage tips to slay enemies with extreme precision:

  • Lead off fights by using Tactical Cloak then sniping priority targets
  • Use Disruptor Ammo against shielded enemies then spam Energy Drain
  • Against armor, use Incinerate to stop regeneration before sniping
  • Overload machines and synthetics then explode with ammo powers
  • Time cloak decloak shots with squad detonations for huge damage

Chaining these tools together along with smart positioning is they key to Infiltrator dominance.

Wrapping Up

I hope this extensive guide has showcased why the Infiltrator is clearly the most versatile, new player friendly yet lethal specialization across the entire Mass Effect 2 experience, even on hardcore Insanity.

If you found these tips helpful, consider subscribing for more Mass Effect gameplay content! What‘s your favorite class and why? Let me know in the comments section!

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