What is the Best Nation in Crusader Kings 3?

Declaring any one starting position as definitively "the best" in a game as complex as Crusader Kings 3 is an oversimplification. However, based on playstyle preferences, some clearly stand out as stronger options for both new and veteran players.

Newcomer-Friendly Ireland

For those just starting out in CK3, Ireland‘s petty kingdoms offer an ideal learning environment. With few foreign invaders, you‘re free to grasp core systems like claims, warfare, and succession.

According to analytics site StellarisScope, Ireland‘s realms share the special "Struggle" origin making short reigns and liberty wars more common. However, this teaches valuable early lessons in vassal management.


  • Isolation from external threats
  • Smaller realm size to manage
  • Struggle mechanic accelerates learning


  • Restricted early expansion options
  • Technology spreads slowly
  • Frequent liberty wars from vassals

While individual provinces vary, many experts recommend the Duchy of Mumu in 867, held by the capable King Flaithbertach. Its three counties provide solid economic foundations, and nearby rivals in Ireland are relatively weak.

With patience and shrewd diplomacy, a player could carefully unify Ireland then use it as a power base for future British conquests. Just don‘t expect rapid early game expansion; Ireland‘s a builder‘s start designed for learning the ropes.

The Byzantine Powerhouse

Controlling the remnants of Rome itself endows the Byzantine Emperor with enviable stability…for the moment. Imperial Elective succession sees competent heirs favored early on, but demands constant attention as ambitious claimants relentlessly plot to seize your crown.

Unique Byzantine Perks

  • Imperial Elective Succession
  • Advanced "Rome Reborn" Era Score
  • Special Duchy Buildings
  • Blind/Castrate Hostile Courtiers
  • Standing Armies/Retinues

A 1066 start sees the competent Emperor Michael VII Doukas on a relatively stable throne. But holding together imperial territory stretching from Crimea to Anatolia proves a major challenge even for experienced players.

Rebellious vassals will eventually faction against you. Carefully arranged political marriages to produce strong alliances and boost internal party opinions become essential. Stockpiling gold early on also helps grease palms or recruit mercenaries as needed.

The Aggressive Norse Playstyle

In contrast to Ireland‘s cautious start, the Norse present a radically offensive option perfectly suited for restless veterans. The tribal government enabled by Asatru paganism means raising fearsome raid-focused armies both for plunder and conquest.

The early goal? Amass prestige and piety through daring raids to unlock higher Tribal Authority and reform into feudalism. Key decisions like "Become King of Mann and the Isles" also deliver power spikes.

Norse Perks

  • Coastal County Conquest CB
  • Prestige from Raiding Holdings
  • Pillage Weak Neighbors for Gold & Renown
  • Special Events Like Warrior Lodges or Legendary Journeys

Norse Challenges

  • Constant Gavelkind Succession Strife
  • Tribal to Feudal Transition Stressful
  • Managing Vast Conquered Territories

Sigurd "Snake-in-the-Eye" of SviĆ¾jod in 867 nicely embodies this aggressive style. But once your conquered lands outpace the dynasty‘s ability to properly feudalize them, chaos often follows with internal revolts and independence factions.

Dominating India as the Pratihara

The sprawling kingdoms of India offer robust military powers and unique events flavored by the Dharmic religions. While starts in Chola country or the Bengal Sultanate have their merits, the mid-9th century Pratihara of Kanauj stand above the rest.

Backed by a massive 40,000 troop levy at game start, King Bhoja the Great cements the Pratihara as one of India‘s great empires. With the resources to field war elephant retinues via innovations, tactical players can rapidly snowball Bhoja‘s domain into an unstoppable force, potentially forming the Empire of Rajastan.

Marrying into regional dynasties like the Rashtrakuta means integrating claims on powerful neighbors through alliances. Supporting friendly claimants also delivers bloodless expansion opportunities against rivals. With shrewd politics and leveraging war elephants properly in battle, a world conquest becomes an achievable reality.

Just beware the Pratihara‘s local Jain and Hindu rivals coveting the rich lands of Kanauj…as well as the ever-encroaching Islamic forces along the western border with Abbasid lands. Balancing internal development with opportunistic conquest presents a formidable, rewarding challenge for seasoned CK3 veterans.

Final Verdict – It Depends on Your Style!

While the Byzantines, Norse and Pratihara all shine as powerful picks, the "best" CK3 starter nation ultimately aligns with the player‘s preferred experience. Newcomers might favor Ireland‘s low-stakes education, while experts crave the Pratihara‘s world domination potential.

Don‘t just take my word for it. Discuss ideas with other friendly fans on Reddit or Paradox‘s official forums. Experiment with various starts yourself. And immerse in the vast, ever-unfolding stories you create on this rich medieval stage. It‘s your dynasty‘s saga – make it legend!

Hopefully this analysis has sparked some inspiration. Let me know which new starts you attempt in the comments below!

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