What devices can you play Roblox on?

Roblox is supported on a variety of platforms, giving you options to choose the device that best fits your needs and budget.

Overview of Supported Devices


  • iOS devices (iPhone, iPad)
  • Android phones and tablets


  • Windows PCs
  • Mac Computers


  • Xbox One
  • VR headsets (requires connection to a gaming PC)

Roblox is not currently available on PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, Linux systems, or Chromebooks.

Factors to Consider


Games may run faster and smoother on more powerful devices with stronger processing power and graphics capability. This includes higher-end PCs and the newest console models. Lower-spec devices like budget phones may suffer occasional lag, fps drops, or longer load times.


  • Touchscreen (mobile devices): Simple and intuitive, but can feel imprecise for complex games.
  • Controller (Xbox, VR): Offers good ergonomics and tactile buttons, but limited number of inputs.
  • Mouse & Keyboard (PC): Very fast and responsive with endless binding options, but has a learning curve.

Accessibility & Convenience

Consider what devices you already own and can easily obtain. PCs offer the most universal compatibility and customization, but may involve an upfront cost. Consoles like Xbox provide a seamless optimized gaming experience, while mobile devices offer on-the-go portability.

The Right Choice Depends On You

There are great options across PC, mobile, and console – each with their own pros and cons. Avoid getting caught up in the debate over which is "the best". Instead, reflect on your own needs and priorities. With an open mind, you can find the Roblox platform that works best for you.

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