Minimizing 7s By Maximizing Hardways

As an avid craps player, the dreaded 7 is the bane of my existence. When those red lights flash as the shooter seven outs, hearts sink tablewide. So what‘s a passionate dice decorator to do? Specialize in sets that minimize 7s by maximizing hardways!

How Hardway Dice Reduce 7s

Hardway dice place the 1 and 6 opposite each other and only display the "hardway" numbers in between – 2, 3, 4, and 5 twice each.

This configuration slashes 7 probability because a die must shift two pips to make a 7 rather than just one. With normal dice, any of these combinations make a 7:

1 + 6
2 + 5
3 + 4
4 + 3
5 + 2
6 + 1

But hardway dice only allow:

2 + 5
3 + 4

So just two combinations instead of six! The math doesn‘t lie – you drop 7 probability from 16.67% down to 5.56%.

Meanwhile, you double up on hardways, taking that coveted 4 hardway from 0.69% likelihood all the way to 5.56%. Now that‘s my kind of dice control!

More Than Math: Mitigating Losses

It‘s not just about the stats. As any craps veteran will tell you, it‘s about mitigating losses as much as chasing wins. While hardways taper off those boxcar 12s as well, it‘s slimming down the 7s that save bankrolls.

As Silva279 on Reddit posted:

"Less 7s means less wrong way action. Doesn‘t matter what you hit if you just give it back!"

So true. Even if you‘re rolling smaller natural winners, avoiding the dreaded double nickels protects profits in the end.

The Catch: Casinos Still Pay the Same

Of course, while hardways tweak the probabilities, they don‘t adjust the payouts. That lovely 4 hardway still earns a gorgeous 7:1 – despite hitting nearly 10x more than normal dice!

So casinos banning hardways is unsurprising. But it doesn‘t stop diehards from sneaking them in and dominating the table. As legendary shooter Stickman once said:

"They can outlaw my dice, but they can‘t outlaw these hands!"

And that brings us to controlling outcomes by mastering throws…

Dice Control: Skill Alters Odds

While hardway dice manipulate math, properly executing throws can reliable alter probabilities through shear practice. Top shooters leverage methods like:

Grips – Cradling different side patterns in specific fingers
Toss – Throwing with a consistent force, spin, and corner
Backwall – Carefully hitting the rear of the table

By combining these techniques, veterans can avoid 7s on command. Famed roller Stanford Wong once rolled a 98 roll hand without a single seven!

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