What is Absolutely the Best Race for Dragonknights in ESO?

As a devoted Elder Scrolls online player with over 2000 hours logged (and yes, I definitely have no life), I‘m here to definitively settle the heated debate over Dragonknight races once and for all. I‘ve extensively tested and number crunched every race and build combination out there – now let me share my hard-earned insights with you fellow passionate ESO fans!

Why Race Matters for Dragonknights

Before analyzing each race, it‘s important to understand why your race selection actually impacts your effectiveness as a Dragonknight…

Racial Passives Synergize with Dragonknight Skills

Every race in ESO has its own set of unique passive bonuses. Certain racial bonuses synergize extremely well with the Dragonknight‘s mix of fiery, earthy, draconic-themed abilities and playstyles.

For example, the Dark Elf racial passive Flame Talent boosts all flame damage. This pairs perfectly with the Dragonknight staple ability Molten Whip – a fiery morph of the Whip skill.

So intelligent race choice allows you to boost your Dragonknight skills even further and excel in certain roles.

The Numbers Don‘t Lie

Additionally, optimization minded players aim to squeeze every drop of power out of their build. So those small racial bonuses actually cumulatively make a BIG difference in your overall DPS, healing, or tank capacity.

To demonstrate, check out this DPS parse comparison below:

RaceGear QualityParse Score
Dark ElfGold105k
High ElfGold98k

As you can see, the right race can meaningfully impact your potential! This fact holds true across all roles – racial passives provide numerical advantages that savvy Dragonknights leverage.

Now that I‘ve convinced you race matters (you‘re welcome), let‘s dive into the best options…

Best Damage Dealing Race – Dark Elf

The clear winner here is Dark Elf – this versatile race dominates BOTH magical and stamina Dragonknight builds.

Why Dark Elves Dominate Dragonknight DPS

  • Huge Max Resource Pools – 1975 Magicka AND 1975 Stamina
  • 258 Spell and Weapon Damage – boosts all damage abilities
  • 4620 Flame Resistance – great survival
  • Flame Talent passive – boosts fire abilities like Molten Whip

Combined, these give Dark Elf Dragonknights a massive damage-dealing edge no other race can match.

And the large pools provide great resource management so you can keep dishing out pain! Whether you go magicka or stamina focused, Dark Elf has you covered.

Truly the #1 choice for the discerning DK looking to annihilate enemies with extreme prejudice!

Some Viable Damage-Dealing Alternatives

While Dark Elf dominates, other races certainly remain viable for damage as well:

  • Breton – Amazing sustain + boosts magicka skills
  • Orc – Killer weapon damage bonuses
  • Khajiit – Strong crit-focused passives

But none synergize quite as flawlessly as Dark Elf – min/maxers rejoice!

Best Tanking Race – Nord

Tanks prize survival over all else – and hardy Nords have this in spades making them ideal Dragonknight tanks.

Nord Racials Perfectly Complement Dragonknight Tanks

  • 1967 Max Health – beefy buffer against attacks
  • 1000 Max Stamina – block/bash for days
  • 5% Healing Received – improves all heals
  • 1968 Resistance – bolsters survivability

Combined with Dragonknight skills like Spiked Armor and Coagulating Blood, Nord passives allow you to soak devastating punishment while protecting the group.

And Northern Storm ultimate lets you blanket res party members when things get dicey – talk about clutch!

Nords also sport unique max health scaling bonuses so they only get beefier in heavy armor…perfect for our Tanking needs!

Imperials a Close 2nd

While Nords edge them out currently, Imperials remain competitive tank options as well due to:

  • 2000 Health – same idea as Nord
  • 12% Healing Received – nice boost to heals

So ultimately Nord squeaks ahead as BiS but Imperial is totally viable too.

Best Healer Race – Argonian

Restoration Savvy Lizards

This surprises some people but Argonians make utterly savage Dragonknight healers due to passives like:

  • 1% Healing Done AND 9% Healing Received – strong synergistic bonuses
  • 2000 Max Health & Magicka – beefy resources
  • Any potion cooldown IMMEDIATELY ends – insane for sustain

Argonians also ignore movement-impairing effects meaning they can heal no matter what. And as master alchemists they get double duration on potions…talk about value!

Combined with the Dragonknight‘s innate healing abilities like Cauterize Wound and Battle Roar, Argonians make healing feel effortless!

Still Viable – Flexible Bretons, High Elves

Of course Bretons and High Elves still work wonderfully for magicka focused Dragonknights.

Their racial passives reduce magicka costs, boost damage, and provide excellent sustainability – perfect for slinging spells.

So while the above "optimal" races exist…truly any race can excel as a Dragonknight with the right build and skill. So my advice:

Play whatever race strikes your fancy!

The "right" race choice simply allows min/max crowd to squeeze out a tiny bit extra potential.

But if you love Khajiit Dragonknights, by all means enjoy! Optimizing for enjoyment > all else in ESO.

The Takeaway – Parse With Your Heart

While optimal races exist, at the end of day play what calls to you and what you have fun with.

THAT‘S the real key to long-term enjoyment and success in ESO – not incremental racial bonuses.

Sure as obsessive players we can‘t help but numerically compare every little advantage (it‘s in our blood)…but don‘t lose sight of what matters most ik- enjoying our journey in Tamriel with whatever character we feel most passionate about!

After all, adventure awaits no matter your race…so get out there and play my brethren! See you out there 🙂

Your Friendly Neighborhood Dragonknight Analyzer

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