What is the Best Endurance Level in Elden Ring?

As a hardcore Elden Ring player with over 300 hours logged, I can definitively say that 45-60 Endurance is the ideal target for most builds. Let‘s dig into why this stat is so critical!

Why Every Elden Ring Build Needs High Endurance

Endurance is hands down one of the most valuable stats in all of Elden Ring. There are two major benefits gained from leveling it:

1. Increased Stamina – More actions before running out of steam!

2. Higher Equip Load – Wear heavier armor while retaining medium roll speed!

The table below shows the exact boosts provided by Endurance:

EnduranceStaminaEquip Load

As you can see, both stamina and equip load scale very nicely into the 40-60 range. This makes mid-high Endurance extremely valuable:

  • You can attack, dodge, and block more often without running dry.
  • You can wear heavier armor for better protection and poise.
  • All without fat rolling due to increased equip load!

This perfect trifecta of offense, defense, and maneuverability is why I recommend 45-60 Endurance for most builds.

Optimal Endurance by Build

Of course, the ideal Endurance level still depends somewhat on your desired playstyle and gear choices.

Let‘s look at popular builds as examples:

Sword & Board Tank

Wearing heavy armor and wielding a shield demands major Endurance investment. These types of tank builds need 60+ Endurance to wield strength-intensive gear while retaining medium roll. The crucible tree set, for example, demands over 70 equip load to wear in full.

Some key gear choices:

  • Crucible Tree Armor Set
  • Brass Shield / Fingerprint Stone Shield
  • Grafted Blade Greatsword / Giant-Crusher

Battle Mage

Spellcaster hybrids rely more on light armor for mobility and ranged attacks. But mid rolling is still essential, so 45-50 Endurance is recommended. Those points also fuel strong melee attacks when mana runs low.

Some key gear choices:

  • Spellblade Armor Set
  • Carian Knight Sword / Wing of Astel
  • Staff of Loss / Prince of Death‘s Staff

Bloody Slash Samurai

These ultra aggressive bleed builds require less Endurance since they avoid bulky armor entirely. But more attacks and dodges between refills is extremely useful. 40-45 tends to be the sweet spot.

Some key gear choices:

  • White Reed Armor Set
  • Uchigatana / Rivers of Blood
  • Clawmark Seal

Poison-Focused Bandit

Prioritizing high Dexterity and Arcane, these specs rely on ranged attacks and trickery. They rarely get hit, so lower Endurance can suffice. But for extended skirmishes, around 35 is ideal.

Some key gear choices:

  • Bandit Armor Set
  • Serpentbone Blade / Scavenger‘s Curved Sword
  • Pulley Crossbow

Final Tips for Victory

To summarize, 45-60 Endurance is the prime target for most Elden Ring builds. Here are my last pieces of advice for dominating with this vital stat:

  • Rush to 40 Endurance early game when stamina is more scarce.
  • Use Stamina and Equip Load boosting Talismans to push capabilities even higher!
  • Regularly evaluate your gear weight based on current Endurance. Go heavier if possible while medium rolling.
  • If running a mana-focused build, Mind is nearly as important! Don‘t neglect it.

Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions! I‘m always happy to offer more Elden Ring build tips and advice to fellow Tarnished. Now get out there, increase that Endurance, and smash those Demigods!

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