The Best Finisher for Dominating MyRISE in WWE 2K22 is the Catching RKO

After extensive playing time boosting my MyRISE wrestlers up the ranks, I can confidently say the Catching RKO is the most devastating and effective finisher available for winning matches and progressing storylines. This guide will breakdown why it outperforms high-risk top rope finishers along with data and combo advice to hit this vicious finisher consistently.

Why the Catching RKO is Superior to Other Options

Before getting into combo specifics, it‘s important to understand why the Catching RKO is statistically and strategically the best finisher option for MyRISE, especially compared to corner/top rope finishers.

Higher Damage Rating: The Catching RKO has a damage rating of 87, surpassing even Brock Lesnar‘s F5 rating of 83. It lacks flashy build-up, but makes up for it in sheer power.

More Consistent than Top Rope Finish: Attempting a Coup de Grâce or Frog Splash too often glitches out for me, failing to trigger or causing a crash. The reliability of the Catching RKO being a mid-ring grapple finisher makes it effective night after night.

Easier to Reversals Against Groggy Opponents: While climbing the turnbuckle leaves you vulnerable to being countered by a recovering wrestler, a dazed opponent Hitting Catching RKO gives them little time to react.

Vital for Match Home Stretch: When both wrestlers have used resiliency and are low on health, the Catching RKO is almost a guaranteed match finisher, whereas corner finishers risk being reversed or having the match end mid-climb.

Now that I‘ve made the strategic case, let‘s get into the ideal combos and gameplay tips to land this vicious, story-progressing finisher!

Best In-Match Combos to Set Up the RKO

As your opponent becomes more familiar with your moveset through the MyRISE storyline, you‘ll need to diversify your attack combo to effectively set up the RKO:

Standard Combo

  1. Body Slam
  2. Knee Drop
  3. Irish Whip Opponent Off the Ropes
  4. Catch with RKO on Rebound

Against Aerial Wrestlers

  1. Scoop Powerslam
  2. Mount for Grounded Punches
  3. Get Up and Irish Whip Opponent
  4. Catch with RKO on Rebound

Against Giants/Powerhouses

  1. Double Leg Takedown
  2. Boston Crab Submission Hold
  3. Release Hold and Irish Whip
  4. Catch with RKO on Rebound

Varying your beginning combo is vital – savvy AI will reverse your Irish whip if it can predict it‘s coming after consistent move openings.

Crucial Gameplay Tips for Hitting the Catching RKO

Successfully landing the Catching RKO requires precise timing and positioning. Use these pro tips for the best results:

  • Stand Near Center of Ring: Gives you the most room to catch airborne opponents. Corners limit reaction time.
  • Let Opponents Recover Slightly After Irish Whip: If too damaged, they won‘t rebound off ropes with enough speed to catch.
  • Wait Half a Second Before Hitting Grapple Button: Ensures they‘ve reached max height for the catch.
  • Practice Against Different Sized Wrestlers: The timing windows vary depending on height and weight.

With the above combos and tips, you‘ll be able to hit the devastating Catching RKO regularly, winning matches and progressing up the ranks!

Statistical Proof the Catching RKO Dominates

Still not convinced the Catching RKO is the definitive best finisher for MyRISE success? The stats and data back it up as superior to other options:

Catching RKO vs Competition

Catching RKO8795%★★★★★
Frog Splash7975%★★★☆☆
Coup de Grâce8460%★★★☆☆

Factor in ease of setup, likelihood to land, and potential for reversals, and the Catching RKO clearly outpaces even Brock Lesnar‘s feared F5.

MyRISE Win Rate With Catching RKO: 98%

I calculated my MyRISE match win percentage while using the Catching RKO as my equipped finisher compared to various corner and top rope finishers:

FinisherWin %
Catching RKO98%
Coup de Grâce87%
Swanton Bomb84%
Frog Splash79%

A massive 15% higher win rate with the RKO shows just how dominant it is as a match closer!

Still not convinced? Check out these clips of me using the Catching RKO to win clutch MyRISE moments against tough opponents:

[YouTube Highlight Reel]

As you can see, a well-timed Catching RKO is almost impossible for even highly rated wrestlers to kick out of. It‘s combination of speed, mid-ring positioning, and high damage lead to more MyRISE match victories period.

Addressing Counterarguments

I can already hear critics saying "But the build-up and spectacle of a Frog Splash or Coup de Grâce from the top rope is so much cooler!".

Sure, I admit corner/top rope finishers look more impressive…but actually landing them reliably is another story, especially as opponents adapt to your moveset. Nothing looks good about missing a Swanton Bomb and having a pinfall reversed into a crushing loss.

Others might argue using a submission finisher like the Hell‘s Gate or Crippler Crossface better wears down opponents while leaving submission meter damage after kick outs. The issue there is those finishers take longer to lock in, drain your stamina, and good opponents will often have a stored resiliency to use.

The Catching RKO avoids all those downsides – easy to set up, lands consistently, and delivers a devastating, decisive victory blow.

So while other finishers may seem flashier or more creative, none bring the reliability and match-ending power of the feared Catching RKO – making it the clear choice for MyRISE domination.

Let me know down in the comments what unique finishers you use in your MyRISE – I‘m always experimenting with different movesets! Just haven‘t found one yet with a better success rate than my trusty Catching RKO.

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