The Andalusian: Best Non-Spook Horse in Red Dead Redemption 2

As an avid RDR2 player, I‘m often asked: "What‘s the best horse that doesn‘t spook easily?" After testing all breeds extensively, the clear answer is the brave Andalusian warhorse. With elite health and stamina, the Andalusians have an aggressive temperament that makes them incredibly reliable in the face of danger. Whether confronting gunfire, predators, or chaotic towns, this fearless horse won‘t flinch.

Understanding Horse Bravery

All horses in RDR2 have a "bravery" stat that determines how easily they spook. Gunshots, predators, fires, snakes, and fast-moving trains can all trigger fear reactions. When scared, horses will rear up, quickly run away, or even throw off riders. This can lead to frustrating deaths or failed missions.

Bravery levels range from 1 to 5, with higher scores representing calmer temperaments. Certain breeds like the Arabian tend to be more high-strung and prone to spooking frequently. In contrast, stocky warhorses like the Andalusian have been bred not to panic, with max bravery stats.

Why Andalusians Excel in Bravery

Andalusians have served as renowned cavalry horses for over 500 years. Their reliability in battle comes from key physical and temperamental traits:

Powerful Build: Heavier horse breeds are less likely to spook compared to skittish Arabians. The thick-necked bodies and sturdy legs of Andalusians provide stability.

Aggressive Nature: Along with courage, Andalusians exhibit more willful personalities. They meet scary stimuli head-on rather than retreating.

High Stamina: With elite fitness capabilities, Andalusians can withstand frenzied situations without exhausting their reserves and panicking due to fatigue.

These innate characteristics lead to extremely high bravery stats up to Level 5 – the max score in RDR2. That raw courage paired with strength and endurance is what defines the Andalusian‘s standout performance.

Andalusian Stats and Temperament

While Arabians just edge out Andalusians in speed and acceleration, the warhorse actually matches them in health and stamina – the two most crucial cores.

Andalusian Base Stats:

  • Health: 8
  • Stamina: 8
  • Speed: 6
  • Acceleration: 5

So you sacrifice a bit of quickness for drastically improved bravery. Along with full health and stamina for endurance, the Andalusian has well-rounded capability.

Plus, the Andalusian‘s bolder temperament means they summon that speed and athleticism on demand even when chaos strikes. Timid horses shut down when scared regardless of their capability. Based on the stats and temperament, the Andalusian is arguably the most reliably well-rounded horse in intense situations.

Where a Brave Horse Shines

Cavalry horses were bred specifically not to flinch in combat or when confronted by aggressive wildlife on the trails. Some key situations where Andalusians excel include:

Hunting Trips: Stumbling into predator territory can be deadly, but Andalusians stand their ground against packs of wolves or cougars. Their composed response gives you precious extra seconds to get off kill shots.

Assaults on Hideouts and Camps: Riding into a gang‘s heavily armed base, it‘s critical your horse doesn‘t buck and flee when bullets start flying. Andalusians will fearlessly ride into hellfire without hesitation.

Firefights: Getting ambushed means you need to quickly take cover and return fire rather than chase down your panicked horse. The Andalusian won‘t even flinch at explosions and gunplay happening all around. Their flat-out courage keeps them locked in place.

Night Travel: At night, horses spook easier when accelerating towards unseen threats. But the night owl Andalusian keeps its cool at full gallop through moonlit forests filled with howling coyotes and other dangers.

Bear Attacks: Whether surprised by a roaring Grizzly or attacked by a pack of Black Bears, the Andalusian withstands even direct charges and vicious maulings. My Andalusian Tempest has killed over 40 bears and has never thrown me off against these deadly beasts.

So across activities from hunting to combat to traversing the wilderness, the Andalusian‘s combination of power and fearlessness provides a critical edge compared to more skittish breeds.

Comparing the Top Horse Breeds

While Arabians and Fox Trotters can seem like excellent all-around horses on paper, their panicky temperaments often fail in the face of danger. Here‘s how the strengths and weaknesses of top breeds compare to the Andalusian‘s reliability:

AndalusianBravery, Health, StaminaSlightly slower Speed/Acceleration
ArabianSpeed, Acceleration, HandlingTerrible Bravery, Lower Health/Stamina
Fox TrotterWell-Rounded StatsSkittish Nature
TurkomanHealth, Speed, BraveryLower Stamina
MustangHealth, BraveryMediocre other Stats

While hardcore players insist that Arabians or Fox Trotters are the definitive "best" horses, the reality is that they often buck you in critical moments. After losing legendary pelts too many times from horse falls, I switched to the Andalusian and never looked back.

The Takeaway

If you want a horse that will act as a courageous canine companion rather than flee at the first sign of trouble, there‘s no match for the steadfast Andalusian breed. This fearless warhorse charges into the thick of peril and calamity without breaking a sweat or hesitating a single hoofbeat. Ultimately, the best horse in RDR2 comes down to your priorities and playstyle. But when prioritizing raw bravery, no breed can match the brave Andalusian stallion or mare.

So fellow cowboys and cowgirls, next time you visit the Valentine stables, bypass those pretty-but-panic-prone Arabians and go straight for the mighty Andalusian warhorse!

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