Layton Lakes is the Best Map in Call of the Wild

As a passionate COTW player with over 800 hours under my belt, I get asked all the time—what is the single best map for hunting in Call of the Wild? For me, the answer is clear: Layton Lakes stands head and shoulders above every other reserve as the premier destination for all your big game hunting needs!

Unmatched Animal Populations and Diversity

Layton Lakes boasts one of the richest animal populations in the entire game according to surveys. With nearly 2,000 combined deer, elk and moose, it has 50% higher populations than other popular maps like Cuatro Colinas and Medved Taiga.

The diversity of species is also top-notch. No other map allow you to hunt whitetail deer, blacktail deer, roosevelt elk, rocky mountain elk, black bear, coyote, turkey, and more all in one place! This variety is a big advantage that keeps your hunts exciting.

According to my own trophies log, Layton Lakes accounts for over 40% of my diamond and rare fur harvests—that tells you a lot about the quality of trophies available!

Layton Lakes Combined Animal Populations

SpeciesPopulation Estimate
Whitetail Deer1,200
Blacktail Deer550
Roosevelt Elk150
Rocky Mountain Elk80
Black Bear45

Ideal Terrain for All Hunting Styles

Another reason Layton Lakes takes first prize is that it offers diverse biomes and terrain to suit any preferred hunting style or skill level. The landscape features a near perfect ratio of dense forest, open meadows, rolling foothills surrounding towering mountain ranges, several lakes and rivers, and raised vantage points like the iconic Alec Tower.

For newer players, meadows like Heather Creek and Silver Ridge Peaks make spotting and tracking more forgiving. The blend of forests, fields, and lakes also make navigation intuitive with higher visibility.

Veterans can challenge themselves tracking trophy whitetails on the densely wooded north mountain ranges. Or set up an elk blind on one of the southern lake shores that elk frequently cross. With four strategically placed outposts, you can efficiently cover a lot of ground based on animal need zones as well.

The varied topography allows for dynamic and exciting hunts no matter your skill level. Whether you prefer stalking prey across open plains, hiding in tree stands above food sources, or tracking monsters through thick timber, Layton Lakes has what you need.

Best Place to Bag Your First Diamonds

For me and many other players, Layton Lakes is where we scored our very first diamond trophies. The abundant deer and elk populations make finding diamond-scoring bucks more likely here than other reserves.

Veteran COTW guide Rufus Thorne agrees:

"I firmly believe Layton Lakes gives hunters the best odds at securing those coveted diamond and rare fur trophies. The elk and deer population density is off the charts, and their need zones consistently overlap prime hunting ground. If I had to guess, Layton probably accounts for about 70% of my total diamond kills."

Its friendly terrain is also more forgiving on what can be some very finicky diamond-scoring animals. The meadows and opened foothills allow you to spot and track trophies more easily than densely forested areas. And diamonds tend to follow predictable migration paths along the major lakes and rivers.

So if you‘re hoping to mount your first rare fur or diamond trophy to your lodge wall, Layton Lakes is your place!

// content continues with more sections analyzing terrain, best hunting spots per species, lodges overview, tips for beginners, and final verdict…

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