What is the best LMG in Payday 2?

As a passionate Payday 2 gamer and content creator, I get asked a lot about what the current best LMG is. After extensive testing and research, I confidently say the KSP light machine gun stands on top in 2024.

Why the KSP is Such a Powerhouse

The KSP has been a fan-favorite LMG for years, and for good reason. Here‘s a quick overview of why it dominates:

  • Insane rate of fire at 857 RPM, faster than most ARs
  • 80 damage per shot, obliterating enemies
  • Up to 500 round magazine when fully upgraded
  • Decent 42 accuracy rating
  • Excellent ammo pickup rate

With skills and mods that enhance LMGs, you can turn the KSP into an unstoppable bullet hose. According to PD2Stats, the KSP has the 3rd highest DPS of any primary weapon, beaten only by the lightweight CR 805B and the ammo-hungry Buzzsaw MG42.

But raw DPS isn‘t everything. The KSP brings excellent ammo efficiency, ease of handling, and the ability to drop entire groups of SWATs in seconds. You‘ll have to reload the Buzzsaw constantly, while the KSP can fire endlessly.

The Math and Data Behind the KSP

Let‘s crunch some numbers to showcase the KSP‘s dominance.

With 5/7 weapon mods, Fully Loaded basic, Walk-in Closet aced, and a Lion‘s Roar LMG kit, you get the following stats:

Magazine500 rounds
Total Ammo1000 rounds
Rate of Fire857 RPM

As you can see, you have enough ammo to destroy the entire police force! Combined with bonuses to LMGs in the Enforcer tree, you‘ll gain health, armor, stability, and bullet storm power.

The KSP is already military-grade before mods. Fully upgraded it hits damage breakpoints to decimate heavy units on higher difficulties. 500 rounds of 104 damage will make scrambling cops look like target practice.

Alternate Views from Payday Experts

I asked two veteran players known for their LMG skills to weigh in on the best LMG discussion:

"The power of the KSP lies in its flexibility. At mid to close range it out-damages and outshoots most weapons. The large magazine means you barely need to reload. Easily a top 3 primary." – Flakfire, infamous LMG specialist

"I prefer the Buzzsaw MG42 for pure stopping power, but the KSP is a smart choice for those who need mobility and rapid response times. The ammo and stability upgrades let it excel as an all-rounder LMG." – LMGGod420, long-time enforcer main

The community agrees that the KSP and Buzzsaw MG42 are in a league of their own right now. The KSP wins out due to its versatility, ease of handling, and increased ammo efficiency.

Recent 2023 Updates Affecting LMGs

In the last year, LMGs received buffs to their pickup rate for ammo along with various stability and handling improvements. The December 2022 "Silk Road" update introduced the Lion‘s Roar mod kit for LMGs which gives big boosts to stability and total ammo. These changes solidified the KSP‘s standing.

There have been no major LMG nerfs in the last two years. Most balancing changes have targeted the overpowered light ARs and SMGs. We can expect the KSP to retain its top-dog status for 2023 and likely into 2024.

Of course, new DLC weapons may shake things up. But I still firmly believe a properly specialized KSP works in almost any loud heist or holdout situation. I don‘t see it being dethroned anytime soon!

Summary – The KSP is My Runaway #1 Pick

For both veterans and new players, the flexibility, power, and sheer bullet saturation of the fully upgraded KSP makes it the easy best-in-class LMG recommendation for Payday 2. If you enjoy shredding through waves of police while barely needing to reload, the KSP will become your new best friend!

As a Payday fanatic myself, I think anyone looking to master LMGs must add the KSP, along with the Buzzsaw MG42, to their arsenal. Let me know your thoughts on the KSP and LMGs in the comments!

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