Ravenport – The Ideal FS19 Map for Farming Simulator Beginners

As an experienced Farming Simulator 19 player with over 80 hours under my belt and a thriving farm on Ravenport, I can confidently name Ravenport as the best all-around map for FS19 newcomers. With its clever layout, balanced field sizes, and beneficial starting equipment – Ravenport makes easing into virtual farming fun rather than frustrating. In this beginner‘s guide, let‘s explore why Ravenport stands out as the premier learning environment for aspiring FS19 farmers.

Why Trust My Recommendation?

Before detailing the factors that make Ravenport excel for new players, I want to establish my credentials. I have been playing various Farming Simulator editions for over 5 years across PC and console platforms. Farming Simulator 19 is my most played title in the series with a deep understanding of the game‘s mechanics and economics.

In addition to my own extensive FS19 experience, I am an active member in the game‘s Reddit and Discord communities. This allows me to stay on the pulse of popular mods, strategies, and map opinions direct from other dedicated players. For newcomers to the series, I‘ve also helped over a dozen friends get started in the game – seeing firsthand the maps that amplify engagement and learning versus those that proved needlessly complex.

Consider me your friendly farming advisor here to guide you on the best footing towards FS19 success!

Overview of Ravenport‘s Benefits

Ravenport delivers the ideal blend of realism and simplicity for FS19 beginners. Let‘s examine specifically why it excels as a welcoming starter map:

Balanced Field Sizes – Ravenport‘s fields range from small and manageable for early-game equipment to medium scale for mid-game expansion. This allows new players to gradually progress without jumping into the deep end of vast, daunting fields that strain time and equipment capabilities.

Helpful Starting Fleet – Many FS19 maps provide only basic, underwhelming starter vehicles. Ravenport delivers a Garage slot with 3 versatile vehicles like the MF 264 tractor, Dyna pickup truck, and Krampe trailer ready for fieldwork and hauling right from the jump.

Centrally Located Points of Interest – The layout thoughtful places critical sites like the shop, sell points, and sheep market in clustered proximity. This avoids tedious driving across lengthy distances between tasks in early game.

Room to Expand – While ideal for initial farming education, Ravenport leaves room to grow into forestry, livestock, and production chains to keep intermediate players engaged in the mid and late stages without needing to switch maps.

Now that we‘ve covered the key pillar‘s of Ravenport‘s beginner-friendly design, let‘s explore gameplay specifics with some personal anecdotes from my own prosperous Ravenport farm.

Ravenport Gameplay Examples

Ideal Starting Focus – Upon beginning Ravenport, I recommend new players focus first on Field 05 located near the starting Garage, as labeled on the PDA map. This central plot features flatten terrain perfect for grasping crop cultivation mechanics. Its medium size also scales appropriately for the early equipment available.

Once comfortable with plowing, sowing, fertilizing, spraying, and harvesting – expand outward to the surrounding fields. These provide similar medium scale for progression without overextending equipment capabilities too quickly.

Early Money Maker – Field 16‘s barley crop offers a fast cash injection to put towards additional equipment. I turned a quick $18,000 gross profit after fertilizing expenses by selling the barley harvest from this plot at the nearby Grain Mill. I used this influx to purchase the versatile JCB Fastrac 4220 tractor.

Mid-Game Milestones – By owning Fields 05 and 16 outright through the Farmhouse starting funds – I could dedicate harvest proceeds towards mid-game growth milestones:

  • Purchasing the $92,000 Main Farm to unlock additional fields and income streams
  • Investing $220,000 total in the extremely useful Krone BigX 1100 Harvester and BigBag 1200 Carrier
  • Expanding into logging by buying the $148,000 Forestry Area 15 and necessary forestry equipment

End Game Potential – Even 50+ hours into progression on Ravenport there remain engaging opportunities like establishing contiguous crop flows across owned fields, maximizing production chains for highest margins, and taking advantage of the full farming infrastructure from plows to planters and sprayers to steamers. The balanced pacing prevents late game stagnation.

As you can see from these Ravenport examples – it truly delivers on all fronts for new FS19 farmers. Now let‘s contrast its standout benefits versus other recommended beginner maps.

Comparison to Other FS19 Starter Maps

While alternatives like Minibrunn, Felsbrunn, and No Man‘s Land have their situational advantages, Ravenport remains superior in design and utility for Farming Simulator 19 newcomers across more criteria:

Minibrunn – Minibrunn wins points for its clustered layout minimizing transit times. However, its micro fields limit progression flexibility and scale compared to Ravenport‘s smarter base of small to medium plots. Minibrunn‘s equipment also lags Ravenport in capability for faster proficiency growth.

Felsbrunn – No question Felsbrunn seeming provides a lusher landscape for immersive roleplaying farm ambiance. But its sprawling layout magnifies driving times between objectives – testing patience for those still learning basic operational rhythm. Ravenport‘s consolidated central design alleviates this friction.

No Man‘s Land – Experienced players may enjoy the creative freedom in constructing their own farm expanse on No Man‘s Land‘s blank canvas design. Yet new players still grappling with equipment proficiency and game mechanics can find its sheer openness more paralyzing than liberating. Ravenport delivers a guided path onto farming mastery.

While everyone‘s style differs – if engaging gameplay, rewarding progression, and long-term sustainability top your FS19 priorities as a new player then Ravenport simply can‘t be beat. You will have ample room to practice fundamental skills without frustrations inhibiting enjoyment and learning. Ravenport‘s base of small to medium fields situated closely together near helpful starting resources crafts an ideal foundation for skill building.

As you outgrow its initial offerings, Ravenport provides avenues into logging, production chains, and livestock for continued engagement. This alleviates the need to jump between maps to find your next chapter of Farming Simulator 19 mastery and enjoyment.

So for new farmers prepping for their first virtual harvest – let Ravenport be your fertile gateway into FS19 and the wider Farming Simulator franchise! Please reach out with any other questions in preparing the fields on your eventual farming empire.

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