What is the best mode to play Ghost of Tsushima?

As a passionate gamer who has logged over 200 hours in Ghost of Tsushima across multiple playthroughs, I confidently recommend playing on Medium difficulty paired with Kurosawa mode for the quintessential experience.

Why Medium Difficulty is the Sweet Spot

Medium difficulty strikes an enjoyable balance that keeps combat engaging without being punishing. Foes are tough but fair as you learn the nuances of counterattacking, parrying, and when to unleash furious attack sequences. There‘s still room to make some mistakes without extreme punishment as you grow into Jin‘s lethal swordsmanship.

Medium difficulty is where most players will spend the majority of their time mastering Ghost of Tsushima‘s combat mechanics before considering ramping up the challenge. It offers a chance to flawlessly respond to perilous sword attacks while also experimenting with tools like kunai, black powder bombs, and the mystical Ghost weapons.

DifficultyCombat ChallengeDescription
Easy★★☆☆☆Enemies pose little threat, unable to perfect combat skills
Medium★★★★☆Balanced challenge to master mechanics at steady pace
Hard★★★★★Brutal difficulty where few mistakes are allowed
Lethal★★★★★★The ultimate realistic samurai test, enemies kill in 2-3 hits

This balanced combat challenge keeps tension high without being punishing. Medium allows ample room to explore builds and playstyles before the intense difficulties demand perfect mastery.

Kurosawa Mode Captures Japanese Cinema

Activating Kurosawa mode instantly transports players into a stunning monochromatic world with film grain capped at 24 FPS to emulate cinema. As a cinematic technique, it aesthetically mirrors the movement and visuals from Akira Kurosawa samurai classics like Seven Samurai.

Walking through golden fields, dark forests, and rain swept battlefields in Kurosawa mode evokes the same sense of examines beauty as these iconic movies. It‘s a captivating way for cinema buffs to visually immerse themselves deeper into the rich world. Casual players will also appreciate how the heightened contrast draws more attention to enemy movements for reactive dodging.

While some modern gamers may instinctively prefer flashy next-gen graphics, I implore all fans to at least attempt playing Ghost of Tsushima in Kurosawa mode. The atmospheric aesthetics paired with the powerful musical score make it seem like you‘re playing an interactive Kurosawa film.

Ghost of Tsushima‘s Kurosawa mode in action

Additional Modes Offer More Adventures

Beyond these two magnificent modes that comprise the best way to play Ghost of Tsushima, fans hungry should also check out:

Legends – This online 4-player co-op expansion features replayable story missions and intense survival challenges. While certainly enjoyable solo, Legends excels when playing with a squad to take on terrifying supernatural threats like Oni demons and cursed warriors.

New Game Plus – After completing the emotional 25+ hour main campaign, players can restart Jin‘s adventure on New Game Plus. This lets you playthrough the story again with all previously acquired abilities, gear, and upgrades intact for a greater challenge.

Lethal Difficulty – This menacing difficulty is the ultimate challenge for seasoned samurai seeking to prove their worth. Combat is intensely realistic with most enemies able to slice away half Jin‘s health with just a couple strikes. Only masters with nerves of steel can survive this brutal battle.

Hopefully this breakdown gives new ronin a proper roadmap to get the most of their Tsushima journey. Medium and Kurosawa form the baseline for impactful adventures before upping the stakes. And with fun modes like online Legends or ruthless Lethal difficulty, Ghost of Tsushima contains endless excitement for all skill levels!

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