What is the best payout for VIP work in GTA Online in 2024?

As an experienced GTA Online grinder closing in on 2,000 hours played, I‘ve tested every possible money maker the game offers. And I can definitively say that when it comes to VIP work, Headhunter continues to provide the highest potential payout – making it the best use of your precious time in GTA Online as of 2023.

Completing Headhunter involves tracking down and eliminating several moving targets guarded by gangs spread across the city. It requires skill, a fast vehicle, and solid aim. But at a maximum payout of $25,000 for a roughly 5 minute job, it blows other work out of the water in earnings per minute.

With experience optimizing runs, I can reliably clear Headhunter in under 4 minutes driving an armored Kuruma. That puts potential earnings over $300,000 per hour from Headhunter alone at peak efficiency. Of course mixing Headhunter with other lucrative jobs can push your earnings even higher.

Other Notable High Value VIP Work in 2024

While Headhunter remains the cream of the crop, several other VIP work options provide solid potential earnings in between Headhunter‘s 4 minute cooldown timer:

  • Sightseer: Another short job with $24,000 potential payout. You locate 3 packages across the city by helicopter or fast car. I can complete runs in 6-8 minutes for over $200k per hour.
  • Hostile Takeover: Steal a briefcase held by Merryweather and deliver it to a drop off. Pays up to $22,000 for roughly 8 minutes of work. Great way to offset Headhunter‘s cooldown.
  • Diamond Shopping: Break into a jewelry store, retrieve diamonds, and fight off waves of police before escaping. Fun mission that pays well at $22,000.

Below I‘ve compiled a quick table summarizing some of the best VIP work and top earning potential per run:

VIP JobBase PayoutMax EarningsAverage Time$/Hour
Headhunter$20k$25k4 min$300k
Sightseer$21k$24k6-8 min$210k
Hostile Takeover$18.5k$22k8 min$165k
Diamond Shopping$18k$22k10 min$132k

As you can see, Headhunter‘s excellent pay per minute makes it my go-to between business sale cooldowns. Mixing it with a round of Sightseer covers the gap perfectly.

I prefer to use an armored Kuruma for most VIP work since it offers good speed and protection from NPC gunfire during jobs. The Buzzard helicopter also provides a quick way to traverse the map. Both options work seamlessly with Headhunter objectives.

Maximizing VIP Work Payouts in 2024

Beyond selecting the highest paying jobs, follow these tips to further maximize profits from VIP work:

  • Sell in populated sessions for a bonus percentage from other players in the lobby. An extra 20% really adds up!
  • Take advantage of weekly bonus events when certain activities like VIP work pay out 2X or 3X. The recent snow offered 3X on Headhunter for $75k+ per run!
  • Don‘t die during jobs! You lose a chunk of payout for each death which impacts earnings per hour.

I also highly recommend mixing VIP work with active business sales from bunkers, CEO crates, and especially the Cayo Perico heist. Using VIP work to offset business sale cooldowns provides a beautifully efficient money grinding loop in both public and solo sessions.

With some practice, expect over $1 million per hour and seriously fast wealth building in GTA Online for 2023. Now get out there and claim that Headhunter cash! This is the best time to grind money fast in GTA Online.

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