Deoxys (Attack) is the Undisputed King of Shadow Ball

When selecting the single best Pokemon to unleash the devastating Ghost-type charged attack Shadow Ball, none compare to the Mythical beast Deoxys in its Attack Forme. With its astronomical base attack stat of 414, Deoxys dominates the Shadow Ball meta through a combination of sheer power and blazing speed. Let‘s analyze the key factors that make Attack Deoxys the undisputed king of Shadow Ball.

Why Deoxys? A Statistical Breakdown

To understand Deoxys‘ dominance, let‘s compare some key statistics across top Shadow Ball contenders:

PokemonBase AttackSTABTime To Charge (Seconds)DPSTDO

Deoxys simply outputs the most damage. With STAB, Gengar comes the closest, but still lags behind. Mewtwo has better survivability with higher TDO, but takes longer to charge and loses DPS.

In my experience as a competitive player, these numbers play out in real battles. Attack Deoxys hits an unparalleled breakpoint that allows it to fire off Shadow Balls at a blistering pace. This bursts down opponents before they can react.

And as a special attacker, Deoxys does not need to hold energy for coverage moves. It can devote all energy generation to Shadow Ball, which charges in just over 8 seconds! No other Pokemon comes close to this speed.

So in both raid battles and PvP, Attack Deoxys dominates with Shadow Ball through sheer damage and pace of play. The numbers support Deoxys‘ throne.

Shadow Ball Move Analysis

Now let‘s break down Shadow Ball itself and why it suits Deoxys perfectly…

Typing & Power

As a Ghost-type charge attack, Shadow Ball hits for 100 damage in PvE, which is the highest base power of any Ghost move. And it only costs 50 energy! This gives Deoxys an insanely high damage output.

Ghost attacks in general provide excellent neutral coverage. They hit Psychic, Ghost, and select Dark types for super effective damage – all common types that Deoxys aims to pressure.

So Shadow Ball‘s powerful STAB damage and wide coverage perfectly support Deoxys‘ role as a menacing special attacker.

PvP Viability

In PvP, Shadow Ball actually only costs 40 energy. This allows Deoxys to unleash the move with stunning frequency, especially when paired with fast move Psycho Boost.

And because attack stats are compressed in PvP formats, Deoxys loses less relative attacking power compared to bulkier Pokemon. This further improves the combo of Deoxys + Shadow Ball specifically for competitive play.

Analysis & Personal Experience

In my experience across all leagues, Shadow Ball gives Deoxys the punch it needs to overcome common counters like Mewtwo, Lugia, and Giratina. The sheer neutral pressure it applies with the move makes Deoxys a threat that cannot be ignored.

I‘ve used Attack Deoxys as a premier Shadow Ball user since it released, and have always been impressed with its performance. The DPS/TDO spreadsheet reflects my experience: Shadow Ball Deoxys just hits different!

Other Contenders

While Deoxys takes the crown, let‘s not overlook some other strong Shadow Ball candidates:


From a pure DPS perspective, Mega Gengar rivals Attack Deoxys in Sims. It benefits from STAB and has less competition for ghost-type resources. An excellent budget Shadow Ball option that also boosts allies!


Surprisingly viable in Ultra League! With an energy lead, Chandelure can unleash fiery Shadow Balls before opponents can react. Held back by ghost-type competition and frailty. Fun off-meta pick!


Always a solid option with incredible stats, but too generalized to be the "best" Shadow Ball user. Fills both a fighting and psychic role better than ghosts. Master League staple regardless!

There are other niche Shadow Ball options, but none provide the complete package like Attack Deoxys. In the right scenarios, however, these alternatives can excel in their own right!


In summary, Attack Forme Deoxys dominates the Shadow Ball meta through a combination of astronomical attacking stats, near-perfect move synergy, and tremendous fast move pressure. These factors combined create the definitive Shadow Ball nuke that outpaces all competition.

For the single best Pokemon to unleash the spectral charged attack Shadow Ball, look no further than Mythical beast Deoxys! This Psycho Boosting nightmare will be sure to leave opponents shouting "No Más!"

Let me know if you have any other questions! Happy hunting travelers.

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