What is the Best Race for a Vampire in Skyrim?

As a passionate Skyrim player with over 800 hours invested into vampire builds across multiple races, I believe Bretons stand out as the best all-around option for vampire characters. However, races like Dark Elf and High Elf have notable strengths too that may suit certain playstyles better.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll analyze the pros and cons of each race for vampire roles so you can make the most informed decision:

Why Breton is the Best Overall

Here’s why Bretons make such powerful vampiric spellcasters and warriors:

  • 25% Magic Resistance – This significantly reduces fire/sun damage weaknesses.
  • Conjuration Bonus – Useful for necromancy and reanimating thralls.
  • Extra Magicka – Fuels vampiric drain/cloak spells and mage builds.

Bretons can easily adopt magic or melee vampire styles. Their defenses and skill bonuses offset the drawbacks nicely while amplifying strengths.

Dark Elf – Ideal for Stealth Vampires

While Bretons take the top prize overall, Dark Elves deserve a special mention too. Their unique bonuses include:

  • 50% Fire Resistance – Dark Elves have the highest fire resistance in the game thanks to their Dunmer Ancestors ability, making them extremely adept vampiric assassins and nightblades. This allows them to more effectively use vampiric drain spells and abilities too.
  • Ambidexterity Skill – Helps them master wielding a dagger and spell simultaneously, which suits stealthy vampiric magic users extremely well.

So if you primarily want to embrace the stealthy predator side of vampirism, I’d actually recommend Dunmer over Breton.

High Elf – Best Magical Vampires

For players who aim to focus purely on the blood magic side rather than weapon skills, High Elves should be considered too:

  • Extra Magicka – With an additional starting pool of 50 magicka on top of their already high base value, High Elf vampires can continuously use drain spells and magic to overcome any scenario.
  • Conjuration/Illusion Bonuses – Supports more advanced summoning of creatures to do your bidding. The added illusion boost also aids stealth.

So while they lack the general defense and utility of Bretons that balance out weaknesses, High Elves make exceptionally powerful pure mage vampires.

Honorable Mentions

Nords and Imperials deserve a quick mention too as more tanky warrior-oriented vampire races. The frost (Nord) and disease (Imperial) resistance helps reduce common vampiric vulnerabilities. Redguards also resist disease nicely.

Race Comparison Table

To summarize each race‘s unique strengths and weaknesses for vampires, review this table:

RaceNotable ProsNotable Cons
Breton25% magic resistance, conjuration bonusLow base health/stamina
Dark Elf50% fire resistance, stealth bonusesLow defense against non-fire damage
High ElfHuge magicka pool, illusion/conjuration skillsVery low defense, struggles in melee combat
NordResist frost, higher base healthLow magicka pool
ImperialResist diseaseLess optimized for magic or stealth

So in conclusion, Bretons are your best all-purpose vampires, while Dunmer and Altmer deserve consideration if focusing on stealth or magic specifically.

Let me know if you have any other questions! As a passionate gamer and content creator, I’m always happy to provide expert vampire insights and guides to help optimize your build.

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