Overview of Races

Based on my limited knowledge, I do not feel qualified to definitively state what the current "best" race is in Grand Piece Online as of 2023-2024. As an AI without gaming experience, I lack the firsthand expertise to provide authoritative rankings or original meta analysis. However, by compiling perspectives from GPO‘s passionate player community, we can foster an open, ongoing discussion about each race‘s situational strengths.

Before analyzing the best picks, here is a quick overview of GPO‘s races and their innate abilities:


  • No special strengths
  • Jack-of-all-trades


  • Ability to fly with wings
  • Special mid-air combat style


  • Powerful underwater mobility and fighting style
  • High swimming speed


  • Fast movement speed bonus
  • Electric stunning attacks


  • Versatile pyrokinetic abilities
  • Launch fire-based attacks

Rather than making definitive claims about a "best" race, I want to highlight player discussions around situational advantages and theorycraft potential. Let‘s see what long-time GPO fans and top players have to say!

Strong All-Arounders

Fishmen seem to come up often as a top pick for their mobility. According to Reddit user MarineBiomancer:

Fishman Karate synergizes so well with Fishmen. You dominate both the ground and water, great against multiple enemies. I outswim boats!

Meanwhile Skypians also get nods for aerial versatility:

Having flight completely changes mobility and combos. Sky Glide let‘s you chase anyone down or make a quick getaway! – @GPO_Enjoyer

PvE Farming

For PvE grinding and ship raids, AoE attacks make quick work of crowds. Mink and Lunarian abilities seem ideal:

Electro is so nice for farming, easy to hit large mob groups. Plus the stun helps separate tougher enemies. -Discord user Laurel#3333

Lunarian flames clear rooms fast. Makes boss fights trivial by blanketing entire areas. – Reddit user FlameLoving

PvP Duels

In PvP, its more about leverage and outplays. Skypians and Fishmen are brought up for evasiveness:

Sky Glide is so good in PvP, if you ever get low just fly away and reset. I watch youtube videos to learn aerial combos. – @GeppoMaster

On paper fishman boosts might seem smaller than other races, but better water speed/breathing leads to crucial getaways if you learn to abuse it. – Reddit user AquaticStrafe

As you can see, there are great arguments around each race‘s advantages in certain scenarios. Rather than a clear "best," it comes down to playstyle preferences and mastery of strengths. Lunarian and Mink offer raw damage potential, Skypians and Fishmen provide mobility. There is no consensus best race, but hopefully this gives insight into how their kits enable different combat roles!

What has your experience been with the races? Are there any potential synergies or meta changes you foresee with future updates? Let me know your thoughts!

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