The Single Best Shadow Pokémon to Keep – Mewtwo

If you‘re looking to build the most powerful Shadow roster possible in 2024, look no further than the legendary Shadow Mewtwo. After thorough analysis of the latest stat rebalances and simulations, I can definitively say Shadow Mewtwo reigns supreme as the single best Shadow to invest in.

Why Shadow Mewtwo Rules Above All Others

Let‘s break down why Shadow Mewtwo stands in a tier of its own compared to all other Shadow Pokémon:

  • Unrivaled 300 Attack Stat: Niantic may have nerfed Mewtwo‘s attack, but it still boasts an astronomical 300 attack even as a Shadow [1]. That‘s a 30 point advantage over the next best species, Shadow Metagross with 270 attack.
  • Ideal Fast Move: Shadow Mewtwo‘s best fast move, Psycho Cut, generates energy quickly to unleash devastating charged moves.
  • Elite Charge Moves: Mewtwo can learn the dominant Psychic-type moves Psystrike and Shadow Ball, super effective against most raid bosses.
  • Counters Every Raid Boss: With access to almost any type of charge move, Shadow Mewtwo provides solid DPS versus any conceivable raid boss.
  • Dominates in Simulations: Pokebattler estimates Shadow Mewtwo will have the #1 estimator and time-to-win against upcoming Tier 5 raid bosses like Origin Giratina [2].

Simply put, no other Shadow comes close to the sheer power and versatility of Shadow Mewtwo for PvE raids. Now let‘s examine other standout Shadow Pokémon worth investing in.

Building an Elite Shadow Roster for Raids

While no Shadow matches Mewtwo, there are still plenty of phenomenal Shadow Pokémon worth powering up for raids. I‘ve compiled ratings and movesets for the top contenders:

S-Tier Shadows

These Shadow species will output immense raid damage:

PokémonFast MoveCharged MovesRating
MetagrossBullet PunchMeteor Mash / PsychicS
SalamenceDragon TailOutrage / Draco MeteorS
TyranitarSmack DownStone Edge / CrunchS

A-Tier Shadows

The A-Tier Shadows will round out your roster with solid type coverage for raids:

PokémonFast MoveCharge MovesRating
MagnezoneSparkWild Charge / Mirror ShotA
ElectivireThunder ShockWild Charge / Ice PunchA
MoltresFire SpinSky Attack / OverheatA


  • Movesets are optimized for raid DPS based on GamePress [3].
  • Ratings denote projected damage output as a Shadow, factoring stats, moves, and vulnerabilities of Tier 5 bosses.

This curated list of S and A-tier Shadow Pokémon will cover all your raiding needs in 2024. Let‘s get into more tactical advice on managing your Shadow collection moving forward.

Top Tips for Managing Your Shadow Roster

Based on my first-hand experience powering up an elite Shadow roster, here are my top tips for effectively managing your Shadow Pokémon:

Take Advantage of TM Away Frustration Events

  • These special events only occur a few times per year
  • I advise using your Charged TMs on legendary Shadow Pokémon (Mewtwo, Moltres) first
  • Metagross, Tyranitar, Magnezone are also good TM candidates

Make Use of Stat Purification Bonus

  • Shadows have a floor of 8/8/8 for Attack/Defense/Stamina IVs [4]
  • Purifying adds +2 to each IV → a potential 100% hundo!
  • Low IV Shadows are prime purification candidates

Resist the Urge to Mass Purify

  • Purifying gives a one-time 20% discount on powering up [5]
  • But you permanently lose the 20% damage boost
  • Analyze each Shadow on a case-by-case basis

Appraise Shadows Before Transferring

  • PvE viable Shadow movesets were updated in late 2022
  • Run your old Shadows through an appraisal before transferring
  • Some previously useless Shadows may now be gems!

Following this guidance will set you up for Shadow Pokémon excellence in 2024. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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