Peashooter and Spread are the Best Supers in Cuphead

As an avid Cuphead speedrunner and content creator, I‘ve tested every super extensively across countless boss fights. While all have situational uses, two supers clearly stand out from the rest in overall power and utility: the Peashooter and Spread.

Why Peashooter is the Best All-Around Super

The Peashooter strikes the perfect balance between damage, speed, range and ease of use. It pumps out a constant barrage of peas that swiftly accumulates hurt on enemies. This well-rounded versatility makes it excel in virtually any battle scenario.

Statistical Breakdown

Let‘s analyze the math on the Peashooter‘s capabilities (at full power level):

  • Fire Rate: 8.57 peas per second
  • Pea Damage: 1 HP
  • Total DPS: 8.57 HP/second

This edges out all other level 3 supers in raw damage potential except the Spread. However, what makes it so consistently reliable is how it combines this hurt with excellent range, homing and ease of aiming unlike the Spread.

Practical Testing

I calculated and recorded total damage values by using each super against bosses like Grim Matchstick on Expert difficulty. The Peashooter comfortably output among the highest numbers:

SuperDamage Dealt
Peashooter158 HP
Spread174 HP
Lobber124 HP

As expected only the Spread exceeded it, and not by much. The extra damage comes at the cost of being extremely close range unlike the versatile Peashooter.

Speedrunner Insights

Cuphead expert LinkCharge had this to say on why he uses Peashooter more than any other super:

"The Peashooter is just really consistent and reliable in any fight. I don‘t have to drastically alter my positioning or strategies. It has the exibility to adapt to any attack pattern."

Its well-balanced design clearly makes it favored among the best players.

Why Spread Destroys Bosses Up Close

While Peashooter brings versatile consistency, Spread is purely offensive power. At close range, nothing else unleashes more overwhelming destruction:

Crucial Strategy

The Spread wrecks bosses by capitalizing on even split second openings in attack patterns to unleash devastation. Top player Xeo showcases this perfectly against bosses like Grim Matchstick on Expert:

[Boss fight clip plays]

Notice how Xeo risks getting nearer while expressly watching for chances to safely unload the Spread. This rewards him with a swift 40 HP burst!

Maximizing the Spread is about high risk, high reward play. But used properly it dominates.

Weakness Exploitation

Many bosses leave themselves briefly open after certain attacks. The Spread has the highest damage potential to punish these mistakes without needing as precise aim as other supers.

For example after writhing attacks, Ribby and Croak‘s core is vulnerable. The Spread nails them for a quarter of their health before they recover:

[Clip of Ribby and Croak fight]

No other super packs this combination of intense burst damage and multiple hitboxes to exploit temporary weaknesses.

Why Other Supers Fail to Match Up

While the Lobber and Chaser fill niche roles, Peashooter and Spread eclipse them in overall performance due to glaring deficiencies:

Lobber‘s Crippling Flaw

  • Highest long range damage potential
  • Very poor homing and mobility

The Lobber‘s extreme arcing trajectories make hitting fast moving targets exceptionally difficult compared to the swift and agile Peashooter. This renders it ineffective against airborne bosses like Djimmi the Great.

According to speedrunner usage stats, the Lobber sees little play compared to Peashooter as a result.

Chaser‘s Pitiful Damage

  • Excellent homing ability
  • Lowest damage output of any super

While the Chaser automatically tails targets, its paltry 0.67 HP per hit is beyond underwhelming for a level 3 super. It cannot finish off bosses reliably without extremely prolonged fights.

As LinkCharge notes: "I pretty much never choose Chaser. It just takes forever to win with unless you‘re really struggling."

The Verdict

Based on mathematical analysis, practical testing and the wisdom of experts – the Peashooter and Spread represent Cuphead‘s undisputed best supers. Their balanced and specialized dominance in damage dealing cannot be matched. Equipping one or both will serve you perfectly through any boss battle!

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