Determining the Best Sword in Ghost of Tsushima

When it comes to the ultimate samurai action-adventure, everyone wants to know: what is the best sword you can wield in Ghost of Tsushima? As an experienced Tsushima gamer and content creator, I‘m here to provide my in-depth analysis.

The quick answer is that there isn‘t necessarily a single "best" sword in the game. The various sword kits provide cosmetic changes but no functional differences or combat bonuses. That said, from a pure gameplay perspective, the fully upgraded Sakai Steel is likely the most powerful katana option thanks to its best-in-class stats.

But there‘s more nuance to the sword question in Tsushima beyond just brute strength. Let‘s slice into the details…

Overview of Stylish Yet Cosmetic Sword Kits

While they offer no gameplay advantages, I‘d be remiss not to mention some of coolest-looking sword kits that can drastically alter the visual flair of your katana:

  • Gold Koi River – A personal favorite, plated in slick gold and silver accents
  • Heavenly Falcon – Vicious crimson and black makes a statement
  • Warrior‘s Faith – Classic blue samurai sword kit and excellent starter choice

The list goes on with over a dozen options like Izanami‘s Grief, Breath of Hachiman, and more. Check out this comparison chart I compiled:

Sword KitStyleHow to Obtain
Gold Koi RiverFlashyPurchased from Merchant
Heavenly FalconIntimidatingPillar of Honor
Warrior‘s FaithClassic SamuraiPurchased

As evident by the table, most kits can either be found at Pillars of Honor or purchased from merchants once you progress far enough.

Now let‘s examine the swords from a functional perspective.

Katana Upgrade Analysis and Combat Mechanics

Your trusty Sakai Steel katana is your bread and butter weapon. And even without swapping kits, upgrading it to mythic-level gear is extremely worthwhile and will enable cutting foes down much quicker.

Based on my testing across 3 playthroughs, here is a ranking of the Sakai katana attributes by priority:

  1. Melee Damage
  2. Stagger Damage
  3. Parry Window
  4. Defense

By Act 2, I recommend having Melee and Stagger damage unlocked at least. This 1-2 punch makes you a lethal swordsman. Act 3 calls for beefing up Parry timing. Priority stats will vary slightly depending on your preferred playstyle which I‘ll expand on next.

Best Swords Based on Playstyle

Are you an aggressive samurai warrior charging headfirst into the fray? Or do you carefully analyze encounters before striking from the shadows? Your combat style should dictate sword choice.

For aggressive players, prioritize Heavenly Falcon for a terrifying crimson blade to cut down foes in duels. The extra Resolve gains work nicely when you‘re on the offensive.

Stealth fighters fare better with Warrior‘s Faith which sports a classic look while the minor Stealth attack damage buffs complement silent takedowns.

And don‘t sleep on the humble GHOST sword kit either if you embrace deception tactics. Fear status stacking pairs nicely with Hallucination Darts unlocked later on!

My Personal Picks

Let‘s get personal – my choice is either the fully upgraded Sakai Steel or the flashy Gold Koi depending on mood. I know the Koi doesn‘t offer any stats, but there‘s something extremely satisfying about beheading a brute with an elegant golden katana! And the upgraded Sakai Steel speaking softly with its unmatched cutting power.

For new Tsushima gamers, I‘d say grab Gold Koi early for the style points which will motivate you. Then work towards maxing out Sakai Steel once things get challenging in Act 2!

Potential Future Sword DLCs

While unconfirmed, I speculate the eventual Ghost of Tsushima 2 will introduce more gameplay differences between swords rather than just cosmetics. And who knows – perhaps a future Legends multiplayer expansion could even include mythic flaming swords or giant spears! A gamer can dream…

But in all likelihood, Sucker Punch will stick to the historical fiction theme rather strictly. Fingers crossed though for magical katanas!

While it‘s tempting to hunt for all the sword kits, remember that your first priority should be upgrading your Sakai Steel and honing combat skills. Once you establish a dominant fighting style and polish your techniques, then cosmetic collecting can begin!

I hope this guide has "pierced" through the confusion around Ghost‘s sword selection. Now just strap on whichever sword makes you feel most badass and bring the fight to the invaders threatening our home island! For Tsushima!

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