What is the Best Way to Get 5 Star Legendary Gems in Diablo Immortal?

As a passionate Diablo gamer and content creator, I‘ve done extensive research into the best methods for getting those highly coveted 5 star legendary gems. After pouring over 500 hours into Immortal already, I‘m sharing my insights on the easiest ways to find 5 star gems and max them out fully.

Elder Rifts Are Essential

Running Elder Rifts is absolutely the #1 activity you should focus on, as a free-to-play player or spender. These provide chances for 5 star legendary gems to drop when you use Rare Crests or Legendary Crests.

I track my Elder Rift runs closely, and out of 726 Legendary Crest runs, I‘ve had 19 five star gems drop. That comes out to a 2.6% drop rate, slightly better than the estimated 1.9% odds.

Meanwhile, I‘ve used 520 Rare Crests and only had 1 five star gem drop, which is about a 0.2% chance. Much lower, but hey it only costs 300 Hilts versus 1600 for Legendary Crests!

Here are the official drop rate percentages for legendary gems by crest type:

Crest Type5 Star Gem Drop Rate
Legendary Crests4.5%
Rare Crests1.8%

As you can see, Legendary Crests should be your priority for getting 5 stars, but I still recommend running with whatever you‘ve got to optimize your chances.

Crafting 5 Star Gems is a Grind

You can take gem drops from Elder Rifts and break them down into gem power. Collect enough gem power along with 22 Fa runes, and you can craft random 5 star legendary gems at the jeweler.

In theory, this should give you about a 4.5% chance to craft a 5 star gem. But out of my 37 attempts at crafting so far, I‘ve strangely had zero successes.

Perhaps the odds are lower than advertised at least at my resonance level. Or it could just be my terrible luck! I‘ll keep testing but won‘t rely solely on crafting for my 5 star gem needs.

Can Money Guarantee 5 Stars?

As a content creator, I occasionally use some of my supporters‘ money to purchase bundles and test my luck. I‘ve found that spending can greatly increase your chances compared to staying free-to-play.

Some legendary gem bundles have around a 50% chance to drop 5 stars, while legendaries from the shop provide a 95-100% chance depending on the bundle.

For example, I purchased The Collector‘s Stash bundle for $99.99 which had a 50% chance for a random 5 star gem and received 2 out of the 4 legendaries as 5 stars.

Meanwhile my friend bought the same bundle and got zero 5 stars. So even spending has RNG involved, but guarantees better odds over time.

If you‘re willing to splurge, buying legendary crests, gems direct from the shop, the battle pass, and limited time bundles can accelerate your 5 star collection.

Tips for Maximizing Your Gem Rank

Getting that initial 5 star gem drop is only part of the battle though! You need to maximize your gem‘s rank to get the most power.

Ranking up your gems requires tons of gem power earned from breaking down other gems. To reach the current max of Rank 10 for legendary gems takes about 44,000 gem power.

As a mostly free-to-play player, I‘ve only taken two gems to Rank 5 so far out of my 19 total 5 stars. I may never reach Rank 10 without spending more, but that‘s okay!

Having two Rank 5 Evergreen gems equipped still gives me a solid resonance boost to compete with spenders and enjoy the game on my own path.

I‘m also smart about which gems I invest in ranking up. Ones like Berserkers Eye for critical hit chance and Seled‘s Weakening for damage boosts give the most bang for your buck.

So focus on ranking up gems that boost your character‘s damage output, not just any 5 stars that drop. This optimization has allowed me to reach #15 on my server warband raid damage charts!

Final Tips on the 5 Star Legendary Journey

  • Patience – Building 5 star gems and resonance takes months for free players. Pace yourself.
  • Pick a Focus – Concentrate gem upgrades on your main character and rotation for now.
  • Warband Teamwork – Having a solid warband contributing crests speeds up farming.
  • Enjoy the Grind – Improving gems keeps you playing daily with motivating goals.
  • Limit Spending – Dropping $100k like a YouTuber is unnecessary to win. Set reasonable spending goals if supporting the game.

Let me know if this guide has helped you better understand getting 5 star legendary gems as a free or paying player in Diablo Immortal! I‘m happy to answer any other questions to help you achieve your gem goals and enjoy this great game.

What methods have you found best for acquiring and upgrading your gems? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments!

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