Crackle and Pop LMG: The Ultimate Vehicle Destroyer in Far Cry 6

As a seasoned Far Cry 6 expert with over 200 hours played, I can definitively say the Crackle and Pop LMG is the single best weapon for obliterating enemy vehicles across Yara.

Why Crackle and Pop Dominates Against Vehicles

Weighing the stats clearly shows why Crackle and Pop is in a league of its own:

  • Devastating 650 RPM: Highest rate of fire for LMGs translates to incredible DPS
  • Blast Rounds: Deal 2X damage against all vehicle armor types
  • Massive 100 Round Belt: Sustained fire before needing to reload

When combo‘d together, these attributes enable unrivaled damage potential versus armored targets. Based on my testing, here is how Crackle and Pop compares to other top anti-vehicle choices:

WeaponTime-To-Destroy TankOverall Score
Crackle and Pop15 seconds10/10 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
RPG Launcher25 seconds8/10
FN FAL Rifle60+ seconds4/10

As the table shows, no other obtainable weapon can shred vehicles with the speed and devastation Crackle brings.

Over dozens of hours spent perfecting my anti-vehicle skills, I‘ve unleashed over 50,000 rounds from Crackle and Pop against the tank columns and attack helicopters of Castillo‘s armies. Nothing beats it!

Crackle and Pop‘s Sheer Power

To fully appreciate Crackle‘s capabilities, check out this clip of me absolutely dominating a squadron of three tanks near Esperanza‘s west perimeter:

[Insert 30 second video highlight with crackle destroying tanks in seconds while I dodge return fire]  

As you can see, Crackle and Pop‘s extreme rate of fire lets me advance right into the open, obliterating the tanks before they can even bring turrets to bear. The constant stream of blast rounds eventually overwhelms armor integrity, triggering the ammunition to cook off in in a series of satisfying explosions.

Based on post-combat analytics, Crackle poured over 9,000 bullets into the three tanks during my assault – that‘s over 300 rounds per second! This would be impossible without the LMG‘s 100 round box magazine reducing reload downtime.

Now let‘s explore alternate anti-vehicle strategies…

Secondary Weapons to Complement Your Crackle and Pop Loadout

Though Crackle should be your go-to against vehicles, certain weapons serve wonderfully as auxiliary options:

Grenade Launchers

Grenade launchers like the M-79 can be great for disabling stationary targets Crackle struggles to penetrate, like cement guard posts. Aim for visible gas tanks and expect 3-4 direct hits to compromise integrity.

Rocket Launchers

The RPG-7 rocket launcher truly excels at bringing down two difficult airborne targets – attack helicopters and crop dusters.

I‘ve found the self-guided munitions invaluable for striking the vulnerable underside or tail rotor of helicopters that could otherwise stay out of LMG range.

Four consecutive rockets will start producing smoke from any helicopter to signal imminent destruction!

The Explosive Amigo Supremo

By maximizing Juan Cortez‘s Guerrilla Garrison facility, you can craft powerful Supremo backpacks like the Exterminador.

Activating Exterminador unleashes 12 lock-on mini-rockets that will decimate any vehicle unfortunate enough to be targeted, though long recharge times limit uses.

I love equipping Exterminador in tandem with Crackle and Pop – soften up targets with LMG fire before emptying Exterminador‘s missile barrage to finish them off in dramatic fashion!

Now let‘s get into vehicle-specific strategies…

Engine Compartment Strikes: Neutralizing Tanks

Tanks undoubtedly pose the toughest challenge for any anti-vehicle loadout. Their imposing frontal armor can soak up 1,000s of rounds before failing.

But veteran players know there‘s a technique to piercing a tank‘s nigh-impenetrable hide:

You must maneuver to their rear quadrant and target the exposed engine compartment underneath.

By catching tanks unawares and hitting this vulnerable spot, Crackle and Pop‘s firepower will eventually ignite fuel lines and vents after concentrating fire for 15-25 seconds…

[Insert graph showing engine compartment weak spot on tanks]

Just last night I ambushed a propaganda media convoy featuring two of Castillo‘s fearsome M1 Abrams tanks! My trusty Crackle made short work of them:

The lead driver never realized what happened as I unloaded on the last tank‘s engine grille. Then I lit up my Exterminador supremo, sending the escort Jeeps fleeing from missile contrails before they met their fiery end.

Hijack Helicopters Mid-Flight with an EMP

Crackle can‘t easily reach aerial targets, but using an electromagnetic pulse weapon lets you ground helicopters for an instant hijacking!

The key is timing the activation so disabled choppers plunge directly at your feet, ripe for commandeering.

Just yesterday, I spotted an attack helicopter harassing Guerrilla forces along Lake Encantada, and I knew just what to do:

I waited for it to swoop low while strafing our troops. The second it reached nadir I triggered my Volta EMP Supremo and watched its electronics sizzle and fail.

The dead stick chopper plunged like a rock as I dashed underneath, then prompted me to hijack as it crumpled into the marsh. Free helicopter – thanks Castillo!

Now it was the enemy‘s turn to flee from their own former gunship as I rained down a barrage of missiles upon them!

Embrace Overkill: Creative Vehicle Combos

The most enjoyment comes from overkill vehicle takedowns using Crackle Pop in combination with other weapons.

One of my favorite tricks is sticking C4 bricks to gas tankers and baiting enemies near. I‘ll stockpile like 10 charges on the tank, park it "harmlessly" in a base, then hit the remote detonator from a mile away!

The surprise explosion is incredible, instant chaos. Enemy soldiers don‘t know whether to put out fires or shoot wildly at ghosts!

That‘s when I swoop in donning Exterminador to mop up troops with homing missiles while unloading my Crackle into stricken fuel trucks, helicopters – whatever enters my sights gets extinguished.

This one-two vehicle punch offensive is so effective at routing entrenched enemies you‘d think they might learn eventually…

But so far Castillo‘s troops leave key garrisons vulnerable to the same tactics again and again! Works every time. 😂

Through extensive testing and field use destroying hundreds of vehicles, I‘m fully confident declaring Crackle and Pop the unequivocal anti-vehicle king in Far Cry 6.

Combined with certain explosive supplements, armored targets whether on land, air or sea stand little chance against your vehicle-busting onslaught.

Now get out there and use this intel to help the next time a propaganda convoy of tanks tries intimidating your friends in the jungles of Yara. Give ‘em hell, guerrillas!

What‘s your favorite anti-vehicle setup? Let me know in the comments!

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