The Ultimate Guide to ARK Dinosaur Destruction: Top Weapons for Slaying Prehistoric Beasts

As an ARK: Survival Evolved gaming expert and content creator, I get asked one question more than any other: "What is the best weapon for killing dinos?"

And after hunting hundreds of hours across the ARK maps, I have a very definitive answer…

The Longneck Rifle reigns supreme as the ultimate dinosaur-killing machine in ARK. Boasting a massive 196 damage per headshot to creatures, no other weapon comes close to the stopping power of this gun. I‘ve used it to drop a Spinosaurus attacking my base at 600 yards easily with one bullet to the cranium.

But the wonderful Longneck is just the start of your dinosaur destruction tour. A whole arsenal of firearms, explosives, traps, war dinos and more await to turn you into a stone cold saurian slayer.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll cover everything you need to massacre ARK dinosaurs with maximum efficiency, including:

  • Longneck Rifle and other top weapons
  • Boss dino battle strategies
  • Ideal use cases for every gun and dino
  • Damage stats and comparisons
  • Crafting requirements
  • Dinosaur weaknesses
  • Savage saurian slaying tips

So load your best boomsticks and let‘s get to the meat…

Why the Legendary Longneck Rifle Rules as #1

I‘ll cut right to it – the Longneck Rifle is hands down the overall best ARK weapon for killing dinosaurs of any size or species.

This heavy-hitting rifle offers an unrivaled one-shot dinocide package, with perks like:

  • 196 damage per headshot – Highest per-bullet damage of any weapon
  • Inexpensive ammo – Simple rifle bullets are cheap to mass craft
  • Ease of use – No complexity like recoil or scope sway
  • Precision at range – Easy to score hits even on small, fast, or distant targets

Slap a rifle scope, laser, silencer, and other mods on your Longneck too for even deadlier operation.

As ARK weapon expert Sir Meepsalot explains:

"The Longneck Rifle is simply an elegant and OP dinosaur deletion tool. One moment a Spino is charging to turn you into lunch, the next it faceplants with a bullet neatly placed between the eyes from 300 yards out. I can‘t recall ever losing a dino fight when wielding my beloved Longneck."

And the numbers agree. Check out how the Longneck outclasses other top weapons in key stats:

WeaponDamageRangeRate of Fire
Longneck Rifle196Very longSlow
Fabricated Sniper430Very longSlow
Compound Bow135LongFast
Assault Rifle40MediumFast

Now let‘s explore when and why you should use this beaut…

Longneck Rifle Situational Usage

Thanks to its ultra power and range, the Longneck Rifle shines in virtually any ARK scenario requiring heavy firepower – especially against big game.

Bust it out to counter:

  • Aggressive apex predator dinos – Tyrannosaurus, Spinosaurus, Giganotosaurus
  • Megafauna herbis – Brontosaurs, Trikes, Stegos
  • Flyers – Pteranodons, Wyverns
  • Aquatic beasts – Mosasaurs, Plesiosaurs, Megalodons
  • Boss creatures – Broodmother Lysrix, Megapithecus, Dragon
  • Caves/dungeons – The Longneck dominates nearly all subsurface areas

I also lean on the Longneck and its ammo variants whenever I‘m:

  • Defending my base – Nothing discloses attackers faster than .357 to the noggin
  • Out hunting prime meat – Clean 1-shot kills prevent damage to precious kibble creatures
  • Scavenging dangerous areas – Retrieve your lost gear after death by plinking guard dinos from safe range
  • Taming high level creatures – Few things tame a 150 Rex/Spino/Giga better than Longneck tranq darts

And if all else fails, I‘ve destroyed endless enemy metal structures from distance with the trusty Longneck and its explosive ammo too.

But while this rifle excels as an all-around slaying solution from the easy to positively insane, other weapons have their niche…

Fab Sniper Rifle – Insane One-Shot Damage

The Fabricated Sniper Rifle available from Orbital Supply Drops unleashes a terrifying 430 damage per bullet to creatures. And it sports a detachable magazine with follow-up shots too.

I‘ve one-blasted Alpha Rexes and wiped legendary arena boss fights using this comically excessive firearm. The Fab Sniper‘s extreme damage definitely makes it worth keeping handy in your hotbar should über dinos ever show up.

Just beware – its resource/BP costs are astronomical compared to the standard Longneck. Not to mention the Fab Sniper Rifle breaks very easily without constant repair.

Still, for all out God console super sniping, this OP alternative can fill a key role when dinosaurs get dangerously out of control on your server.

Compound Bow – Stealthy Rapid Fire Archer

While the Longneck dominates from a defensive posture, players who favor aggression, speed, and stealth absolutely need to carry a Compound Bow too.

With only moderate 135 damage but a blazing fast refire rate, you can arc shot after shot at high noon into the weak points of nearly any dino before it spots your location. I love this weapon for hunters and solo operatives who prize mobility and discretion.

The key bow tactic? Aiming for headshots boosts damage x3 thanks to the multiplier. This lets a rooftop archer plink Tranq Arrows into a 140 Rex to tame it or rip through a pack of Raptors Genghis Khan style.

Just be ready to reposition the second any spiders, bats or other melee predators target your location as bowmen lack the shielding and resilience of toe to toe heavies.

Assault Rifle – Scorched Earth Swarms

When confronted by swarms of low to mid-tier dinos like Raptors, Terror Birds, or Troodons, fighters need rapid large-scale fire to thin out creatures with haste. The Assault Rifle serves as the quintessential "Oh crap!" full auto dinosaur broom here.

Despite mediocre 40 damage per bullet, an Assault Rifle‘s blistering rate of fire lets savvy shooters cut big groups down fast out in the open. Useful too on pesky redundant creatures that keep resurrecting like the Dilophosaur.

Downsides? Assault Rifle damage falloff starts early, so wielders must engage at relatively close range. And its boxy iron sight provides poor visibility until you can find an upgraded optic.

But for walking security turrets against tightly packed dinos flooding your walls, strap on 60 round mags and light it up!

Rocket Launcher – Anti-Titan Obliteration

Sometimes when the dinosaurs get severely out of hand, you just need wanton explosive carnage to remind them who‘s the real apex predator.

That‘s where the Rocket Launcher comes into its element. One round from this wooden beast will immediately annihilate just about any creature outside of Boss Titans and above.

I mostly save rockets for wiping absolute oppressive nuisance dinos that have wrecked my tribe or base one too many times. Nothing soothes quite like seeing an Alpha T-Rex Armageddon‘d into red mist and charred bone.

Craftable once you unlock explosives, rockets combine massive 525 area damage with devastating blast, fire, and impact debuffs in a single warhead. Just be careful not to kill yourself or friends via splash damage in tight spaces!

The Muscle – War Dinos That Brawl

Guns may provide surgical dinocide from afar, but up close and personal, they can‘t always react fast enough when clawed creatures close in fast.

That‘s why battle-hardened tribes tame packs of ferocious war dinos bred and imprinted to soak hits while dishing lethal damage. With a small squadron, you‘re prepared to retaliate instantly.

Some of my top ARK war dinos for anti-dino defense include:

  • Tyrannosaurus Rex – Juggernaut chompers who create tons of threat space
  • Spinosaurus – Amphibious killers sporting insane melee DPS
  • Allosaurus – Quick pack hunters able to swarm solitary targets
  • Direbear – Sturdy tanks with nasty paw swipes & roaring stun
  • Thylacoleo – Vertical ambush artists who latch on and don‘t let go

Proper armor barding & saddles boosts dino resilience and damage immensely too. And remember certain dinos like Daedons offer strong battle support/healing capabilities!

Strategic ARK Dinosaur Destruction Tips & Tactics

Now that you know the roster of weapons and war dinos for maximizing destruction, let‘s get strategic with some pro tips…

Scout Enemy Dinosaurs First

Knowing the opposition lets you counter with the proper tools for eradication. Size, health pools, damage capabilities, aggression ranges and more all dictate what firepower you must wield.

Once identified, elemental advantages also come into play. Use flame weapons on insects, electricity on fliers, etc.

Exploit Dino Weak Points & Resistances

Aim for weak areas whenever possible to boost damage dealt. And avoid heavily plated sections that shrug off bullets and arrows unless ammo permits brute force.

Mix Long Range Sniping with CQC Ambushes

The classic one-two combo. Have a sniper like the Longneck or Compound Bow harass from max distance as War Dinos close in to brawl. If dinos take cover, encircle or flush them out with rockets.

Claim the High Ground

Elevation extends vision, projectile range, and dino resistance noticeably. Set up firing positions atop buildings, cliffs or hills as often as possible. Low ground gets you slaughtered.

Time Attacks Carefully

Night, rain, fog and other weather obscuring visibility makes surprise assaults way easier. But beware – the same masking also applies to certain dinos like Purlovias, making them lethal!

Stay Mobile

Whether pack hunting or operating heavy weapons, never stand still long. Keep repositioning unpredictably – especially under dino frenzy or charge attacks. Stationary = dead.

Invest Heavily Into Fortifications

When holding down areas long term, knowledgeable survivors strongly fortify with layers of anti-dino defenses:

  • Electric/dino gates
  • Reinforced walls & fatal dropoff moats
  • Repeater turrets set to wild only
  • Plant species X seed auto-turrets
  • Cruise missile/artillery emplacements

And that covers the major lessons for dominating dinosaurs across the ARK with extreme weaponry and strategy. Now get out there, form a war band, and start reclaiming control as the Apex Species!

What other ARK weapons or War Dinos do you find best for base defense and eradicating terror dinos? Let me know in the comments section!

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